No…… homework? :O

When I finish all my homework ahead of time and I have a rare, homework-free night:

I’m pretty sure I’ve been zapped into an alternate universe because something is seriously wrong when your friends in Arts are complaining about having homework and I, the engineer, am just sitting there playing Tetris on my computer(not to say that Arts majors don’t work hard. I know all too well from AP courses that arts classes are extremely difficult). Let this teach something to all you future university students: do your homework right away when it’s assigned to you. Even if it’s not due for another week, start it right away and just keep plowing through your work because then you’re done with everything half-way through the week and you get to spend the next few nights just hanging around in the floor lounge and watching American Pie with the fantastic people in your building. Just goes to show that university work isn’t as bad as everyone thinks it is, as long as you stay on top of everything. So remember, work hard now, party hard after… or play Tetris later, if you’re anything like me 😛


**Edit: I apologize for my excessive use of .gif photos lately. Let’s just say I spent a lot of time on Tumblr over the summer and I may or may not have turned into a compulsive image-saver. I’ll get counseling, I promise.


2 thoughts on “No…… homework? :O

  1. Courtney says:

    I love the .gif’s though! 😀 And have you creeped on the UBC tag on tumblr? It’s pretty awesome, seeing other people’s first week stories!

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