I’m alive! (for now…)

Just wanted to take a really quick minute to let you know that no, I’m not dead… yet. The PHYS 153 midterm tomorrow just might kill me, though. You should all know that studying for half an hour and then rewarding yourself by going on YouTube and Tumblr for an hour is not a very efficient way to study.

Hopefully I’ll be able to walk into the midterm tomorrow and not be swallowed up into the fiery depths of thermodynamics where the only way I’ll be able to get out is to calculate the work done by the toxic gas at constant volume that will lead to an increase in temperature high enough to incinerate my body and ohmygodI’vespentwaytoomuchtimereadingthetextbook. If I don’t make it out alive tomorrow, I want you all to know that you’re all amazing and I love you.

But for future first-year engineers: PHYS 153 actually isn’t that bad– just stay on top of your work.
