Daily Archives: May 3, 2017

[05.02] Back in the Classroom: reflections

Physiological Reaction to teaching

I must confess that working with me can sometimes be less than pleasant. All last week, I’ve been experiencing seasonal allergies!

However! More importantly:

It’s a profound moment when we as educators are reminded that we aren’t just chosen to teach – we’re usually born into it. Today was the day that the students from Hastings Elementary would come visit to experience the Ozobots, and I was worried that I wouldn’t be in a condition to teach. Interestingly, as soon as the students came in, my symptoms were gone and I was filled with energy!


The students were very well behaved, and seemed to be engaged and enjoyed the experience. I was overjoyed to be back in the classroom again, and it was interesting that both my body and my mind reacted so strongly to simply just by being in a classroom setting.