“Don’t update to iOS 8!” It should concern Apple.

Besides the release of IPhone 6 and IPhone 6 Plus, the new iOS 8 has captured almost every “Iproduct” user’s attention. However, customers have been continuously complaining about the new OS after their updating, reporting problems in Wi-Fi connections, battery consumption and other performances.

link: iOS 8 Problems


Since the release of Apple’s new IPhone, the company has been selling an enormous amount of IPhone 6. This large sales number may somehow assure some users or the suppliers that flaws in the OS will not be something serious–as long as that more profits will be generated for sure in the next few months. Personally, this is absolutely a mistake, especially for Apple. The power of the brand is so strong that some customers may just consume “Iproducts” blindly, indicating that the big sales number may indeed be an illusion. This isn’t an excuse for Apple to set aside the problems that have appeared so far. From my perspective, instead of releasing new technologies on a regular basis to just “get the job done”, the big company should focus more on producing something with true values and with less glitches, even if this slows down its pace. Customers want to shell out money for something worthwhile. Otherwise, the magic of Apple will run over eventually.




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Worthy Workforce but Not Dogs

Title: Temporary Foreign Worker Dies in Freak Accident, Leaves Chilling Testimony


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Workers Protesting on the Street

        Given that some workers are not being well treated in their work, I think it’s a basic moral for employers to provide employees with at least standard working conditions (e.g. safe working environment, appropriate wages, etc) that make them happy to work and give them more care. Business leaders can more easily achieve their target, which is to be as profitable as possible, because of employees’ potentials being given full play. This can be inferred from Stakeholders Theory that all parties are important in making a business successful. However, what Milton Friedman tried to say in his article was that it is not necessary for business leaders to hire whoever it is in order to reduce the unemployment rate in the market. He emphasized that the first priority of business leaders is to do things directly related to generating more profit in its own business in decent and legal manners. In conclusion, selecting appropriate employees and then treating them as valuable workforce is what business leaders can do to demonstrate their business ethics.