Burger King Outlet

Our 7th COMM101 class talked about the business plan. The case of Burger King shows that it opened its first outlet in Russia. After completing the assignment during the class, I still have two points want to mention here.

First, the opening of Burger King Outlet in Russia is an important strategy. If Burger King manages this outlet well, it would earn unexpected profits because Russiais a potential country which has giant customers. Neverthless, Burger King would be failed if it does not operate the outlet well. In my opinion,Russiais humanitarian country so that it is important for Burger King to pay attention to the social responsibility. Burger King can promote some charity activities to earn social recognitions to manage the outlet well.

Second, the new way of delivering food called FOOD TRUCK may be suitable for Burger King. Food Truck means some staffs drive a bus which is a flowing store to the roads to sell food. People can buy food more convenient than go to a store. If Burger King operates this kind of deliver method, it would earn more profit than just manage its outlet. Burger King should seek for a much more wider variety of challenges.

Diamond business in Canada

Recently, diamond business is popular amony Canda’s business. I searched some information about it and post this blog to share with you.

As the world’s third largest country which exports diamonds, Canadian diamonds are mainly sent to the USA and European countries.The USA is the largest diamond trading partner with Canada. On the other way,Canada has a cooperation with the Middle East for the trade of diamond and oil.

Diamond mining has also led to a marked increase in Northern jobs. And these positions are more than just stints, but long-term posts. Nearly a third of these jobs are held by aboriginals and average salaries hover around $63,000. The mining has come to account for almost half of the North WestTerritory’s GDP, according to Deb Archibald, director of minerals, oil and gas at the NWT industry ministry.

However, both open-pit and underground mines present significant environmental impacts. Issues such as destruction or loss of habitat, water contamination, excessive waste (rock, soil etc…) and the possibility of heavy metals or toxins leeching into the water table are ever-present factors. In the case of the new Gahcho Rue mine, the displacement of the caribou habitat and migration paths are of great concern.

Business Ethical plays an important role in International Business

I learned BBB4M in my high school and I met the case of Morocco business ethical.Global business ethics is an important aspect in international business.

Environment issues of Moroccoare very serious. One of the most pressing environment issues is the degradation of land. Land desertification includes soil erosion resulting from farming of marginal areas, overgrazing, and destruction of vegetation. The leading cause of land degradation is human and livestock activity.Highlands Water Project is a measure that Morocco takes to deal with the environment.

Corruption is a reality issue that Morocco has a rather broad body of laws, regulations and even a special court to combat corruption. Nevertheless, corruption exists and U.S.companies have at times identified it as an obstacle to doing business in Morocco, particularly in connection to customs practices as well as in government procurement.

The current Moroccan government defines transparency, good governance and combating corruption as top priorities. It has increased transparency in public sector procurement and is working both to simplify regulations and sensitize government employees at all levels to ethics issues.

A country’s thriving and prosperous link to whether this country attaches importance to these kind of issues closely.

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