Funny Ads Make Brands Stronger – Comment

“Some form of humour is used in almost half of all TV advertising, where it often contributes to very effective ads. Humour can make ads more enjoyable, involving, and memorable. However, if the humour distracts from branding and communication, it can impede the ad’s effectiveness. In addition, perceptions of humour are different around the world and across different audiences; this may limit the ability of a funny ad to be used across markets.”, says Millward Brown.

I believe humour in advertising can contribute strongly to a brand. Relating to Apaydin Berfu‘s blog on how humorous ads make brands stronger. People enjoy seeing ads that make them laugh or smile. A key goal of any brand is to make their ads stand out in the mass market of advertising. I believe that a strong and memorable ad is what gets attracts consumers to a product.

An example of a funny and memorable ad is Old Spice. Their ads seem to make you chuckle and believe that they have a good product. Since they have the reputation of having humorous advertising, when people hear the name they think of the funny commercials.

Here is an example of an Old Spice commercial:

The Man Your Man Could Smell Like



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