Puppies, Ponies, and Beer???

With super bowl ending just recently, a whole new array of interesting advertisements arose, mostly in the form of funny, epic, eye catching commercials. However, there are the odd commercials such as the “puppy love- budweiser” commercial that stand out amongst the most. The commercial isn’t “epic, over the top, or even particularly eye-catching” despite being a beer commercial. It is however, emotional, makes you want to cry, and is totally irrelevant to drinking beer, and having fun.

So what it is that some people are considering this one of the most well thought out, successful marketing campaign? The ad, in itself, captures some of the most important aspects of the commercial aspect of marketing.

1. Does it stand out?

Yes. In the ad space surrounded by other epic loud and funny super bowl advertisements, a sudden change in theme and the overall feeling of the advertisement contributes to the ad standing out

2. Does it last?

Yes it does. With cute puppies and cute theme, it leaves many viewers thinking about the ad for quite a bit of time

3. Did it target the right people?

Yes. Unlike before, lots of women also view the super bowl as well, and such cuteness is likely to appeal to women more than men, and of course, there are a lot of men who like cute puppies as well.

4. What’s the value it is trying to get across to the customers?

In my opinion, not much. It gives you a theme such to “enjoy beer with you best bud.” But in my opinion, most people will just imagine cute puppies! and cute ponies! next time they see a budweiser, and buy a beer for no other reason than simply that.

So overall, this commercial thats looks better fitted to be a commercial for pet foods or children’s books, worked well for Budweiser, in a sense that it inserted the positive image that puppies and ponies give to people into their beer.

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