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  • JimUBC 11:21 pm on November 28, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Vancouver Web DevCamp! For developers, by developers. 

    In-person Vancouver Web DevCamp

    Here’s a special event for all of you have participated in my programming or web related courses (or you’re coming soon). If you want to know what you can do with DreamSpark and Windows Azure you won’t want to miss this. Here is the announcement or you can just Register Now.

    Build, Deploy, Scale!

    Build cutting edge web sites with the new release of ASP.NET and Web Tools for Visual Studio 2013. Then deploy and scale them with Windows Azure.

    As part of the first wave of Developer Movement events being hosted in Canada, a Web DevCamp is coming to Vancouver on December 12/2013!

    At this Web Camp, you’ll learn how to develop beautiful, interactive and fast web sites using Microsoft’s web tools and platform. You will also learn how to deploy and scale your web sites with the cloud.
    This Web Camp will not cost you anything to attend and breakfast and lunch will be provided by Microsoft!

    Here’s a snapshot of the topics that will be covered in this Web Camp:

    • Introduction to ASP.NET and Visual Studio 2013 Web Tooling
    • Building Web Applications using the latest ASP.NET technologies
    • Building web front ends for both desktop and mobile using the latest web standards
    • API Services for both web and devices
    • Running, improving and maintaining a site in the real world
    • Real-time Communications with SignalR

    What to bring with you:

    • To keep things simple, bring you ID and something to take notes on.
    • If you want to do the labs or follow along with the demos, you’ll need to bring a laptop.

    More information and Register Now.

    See you there.

  • JimUBC 1:17 am on May 24, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Vancouver HTML5 Gaming Workshop & a Yeti Sunday May 26, 2013 

    Vancouver HTML5 Gaming Workshop & a Yeti

    This workshop is presented by Vancouver Polyglot {Un}conference, Startup Weekend Vancouver and Microsoft Canada!

    With advances brought to us by HTML5, modern browsers and free libraries like CreateJS, we can create games and rich interactive experiences more easily than before. In this workshop, we will show how you can use HTML5 to build games and interactive experiences today (with plenty of demos to pull apart). Then we will show how you can take those HTML5 games and migrate them to Windows 8 to take advantage of monetization opportunities with over 60 million potential users.

    You do not have to have deep experience with either HTML5 or Windows 8 but a fundamental knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript will be helpful. Although, you will need Windows 8 and the Visual Studio Express for Windows 8 to take advantage of the hands-on time.

  • JimUBC 3:15 pm on October 22, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    The Developer Movement Launches in Canada 

    Microsoft launches The Developer Movement!
    The Developer Movement.ca

    About the Movement
    Make your app the next big thing!
    It’s time to get motivated with The Developer Manifesto.

    We are the game changers. We won’t settle for second best.
    We are the ones who know hard work pays off and that victory
    is only an app away. We know that if we don’t build it, they
    won’t come, but when we do, we’ll create a phenomenon.
    We are the imaginative, the creative and the driven.
    We are going to Start Something!


    Who is eligible to participate in the Developer Movement?
    The Developer Movement is open to:
    a) Individuals who are legal residents of Canada.
    b) Individuals who own a sole proprietorship company in Canada.
    What is the timeframe for the Developer Movement?
    This program begins on October 22nd, 2012, and ends on June 15, 2013.

  • JimUBC 1:07 pm on October 15, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Microsoft Kicks Off WOWZAPP 2012: Worldwide Hackathon for Windows 

    WOWZAPP 2012 -- Vancouver, Canada

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