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  • JimUBC 2:14 am on May 20, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Surface Pro 3: Is this the One? 

    It’s May 20th and the big news is the Surface 3. Bigger, lighter, faster, longer battery life, better ergonomics (multiple position stand). Of course, I want one. And I scoured the Microsoft Store for the Order Now button.

    And now, front and centre, finally, the pen.


    It looks like Microsoft is embracing the Pen as the strategic advantage of the Surface Pro platform. I’ve often thought that the Pen was misunderstood and under-sold as an alternative to the mouse. It is so much more than that. And this message is coming out loud and clear in the images of the new Surface Pro 3 at


    I’ll no longer have to use make-shift devices to put the Surface at a great angle for writing.


    I’m very excited about the 12” Surface Pro 3 and this is a much easier decision for me, than to be trying to figure out how to fit a Surface Mini into my life.

    I need the full capabilities of a laptop in my portable life and having a little more screen real estate is going to be a big help. If you were to translate the new 3:2 aspect ratio (2160 x 1440) to the Surface Pro 2 (1920 x 1080)   – at 3:2 this would be 1920 x 1280. Now that  is something to which I can relate because that extra height in landscape mode is something I can really use for documents and in development tools like Visual Studio.

    It looks like the rest is all there too. Lighter, longer battery life, faster, ergonomics. As a potential desktop replacement, I’m looking at the 256 GB Intel Core i7. The August 31st delivery date can’t come soon enough for me. But I’m willing to wait even though the i5 models look like they’ll be available sooner in some markets.

  • JimUBC 11:34 pm on May 11, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Surface, Tablet PC   

    What Can You Do With That Old Tablet PC 

    Here’s a practical tip to help you get some more value out of an older Table PC.

    I have a couple of old slate format Tablet PCs that have outlived their batteries. So they are no longer portable, but other than that just as functional as they ever were.

    I have parked one on the corner of the desk where I most frequently jot down notes by hand. I have it running Windows 7 and OneNote (desktop version) and I no longer have to pull the Surface Pro 2 out of my bag to make a quick note. And because the OneNote file is on OneDrive, my notes are accessible everywhere.

    This is great.
    Windows Touch & Tablet

  • JimUBC 11:22 pm on May 11, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Excel® I Introduction to Workbooks, Charting, Data Management 

    Excel icon


    Excel is the spreadsheet component of Microsoft Office and it is an extremely versatile tool for manipulating numeric data, creating charts and sorting and filtering text data.

    Coming May 20-May 27 2 sessions Tuesdays 9:00am-4:00pm UBC Robson Square

    Course Description

    With Excel you can:

    • Work with your numeric data
    • Display it as charts
    • Manipulate non-numeric data as tables like you can in many database products

    In this hands-on introductory workshop you will examine spreadsheet principles, entering data, creating formulas, designing worksheets, charting, data management and printing. Several applications for Excel are explored using examples and case studies.
    Duration: 12 hours

    Register for this course: Excel® I Introduction to Workbooks, Charting, Data Managemen


    Theoretical Objectives

    • History and applications for worksheets
    • Creating formulas
    • Formatting to add meaning
    • Functions (structure and use)
    • Charts for communication
    • Database terminology & applications

    Practical Objectives

    • Worksheets for manipulating numeric data
    • Formatting
    • Creating and modifying Charts
    • Creating and modifying Data tables (edit, sort and filter)
    • Budget Models
    • Decision Support Tool


    Lab Equipment and Devices

    The sessions are conducted in a computer lab and you will have a lab computer for you to use.

    You are welcome to bring your own computer to the lab sessions if you prefer to use that. Wireless access is available in the lab.

    At times you will be doing a fair bit of typing and you will want to have a large enough screen and separate physical keyboard so that you can view content and type at the same time.

    Lab exercises are based on using the lab computers.
    If it appears that you are having challenges with your own device, we will ask you to use the lab computer.

    Instructional Methods

    • Hands-on labs
    • Discussion
    • Online collaboration
    • Lecture

    Course Materials

    • Web site
    • Course notes
    • Printed copies of on-screen lecture notes available on request during lectures

    No Recording or Pictures in the Lab

    Please note: Taking pictures or video during the course sessions is not permitted. All the course materials and lecture notes are available in physical form and on the web.

  • JimUBC 12:12 am on April 30, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Microsoft Surface Pro 2 Comparison to Surface Pro 

    Microsoft Surface Pro

    I got the Surface Pro as soon as it was available in February 2013. It seemed almost premature to get the Surface Pro 2 when it came out in October 2013 but I got it anyway. The main reason: For many of my presentations I like to have two screens up as I’m speaking. Until now I had been using the Surface RT as my second screen, but my must-have applications (Mouse Without Borders, Sketchbook Pro, MindManager) do not run on that machine. When the Surface Pro 2 came out – I was ready to make the jump. The intent was not to replace the original Surface Pro, but to get another full-function tablet to use with it. In short – it’s exactly what I needed. I want to add that if you have a Surface Pro, I wouldn’t be looking to replace it with a Surface Pro 2. There are advantages to the new unit but the original Surface Pro is still a wonderful machine and by no means obsolete.

    The biggest advantages of the Surface Pro 2 over the original Surface Pro:

    • Battery life. For my typical applications: Surface Pro runs 3.5 hours. The Surface Pro 2 runs 5.5 hours. This difference matters when I need to spend extended time away from AC power but when I’m teaching the Surface Pro lasts long enough.
    • Kick Stand angle It’s a small thing but the Surface Pro 2 has a two step kick stand that allows it to sit tilted both at the original angle of the Surface Pro, and also a second position – tilted a little farther back. If I have the Surface Pro 2 on a desktop, lectern, or hand-held, this does not matter at all. The only time I use the new second position is when I have the Surface Pro 2 on a flat surface that is low, but not low enough to lay it flat.
    • Processor Speed In all the reviews that I’ve read much has been made of the faster processor in the Surface Pro 2. For what I do when I’m presenting and day to day computing, I don’t notice the difference when I have the machines side-by-side.

    Enjoy your Surface Pro if you have one, but if you don’t take a really good look at the Surface Pro 2. It’s a wonderful machine.


  • JimUBC 12:09 am on April 30, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Outlook: Out of the Inbox 

    Outlook icon

    Next session is Tuesday May 6th. Seats still available

    If you are familiar with previous versions of Microsoft Outlook then sending and receiving email with Outlook 2013/2010 is very simple. For many people making the transition, that is where they stop exploring. In this course we uncover the mysteries of the new fluent user interface (the Ribbon) to help you to do what you have always done like emailing, scheduling and responding to appointments, categorizing your mail and calendar events. We also explore new ways to be productive with flags, rules, automatic formatting, quick art, smart parts and more.

    Duration: 6 hours (Morning and afternoon session on the same day)

    Register for this course: Outlook® – Out of the Inbox

    May 6 One session  9:00am-4:00pm UBC Robson Square


    Theoretical Objectives

    • Understand why the Inbox gets out of control and identify specific issues arising from the way you use Outlook now.
    • Understand the key actions that can arise from an email and learn Outlook shortcuts to accomplish these quickly.
    • Identify some best practices that are supported by Outlook, which can be applied to your individual situation.
    • Choose specific features or Outlook that you can use immediately.
    • Create a plan for you will start using those features.

    Practical Objectives

    Use the Fluent User Interface

    • Ribbon
    • Backstage View
    • Quick Access Toolbar
    • Navigation Pane
      • Folders
      • Buttons
    • To-Do Bar
      • Date Navigator
      • Appointments
      • Task List
    • Categories
    • Tasks
    • Folders
      • Search Folders
    • Quick Parts
    • Key Tips (old name – keyboard shortcuts)
    • Optional topics
      • Archiving / Backup
      • Journal

    Lab Equipment and Devices

    The sessions are conducted in a computer lab and you will have a lab computer for you to use.

    You are welcome to bring your own computer to the lab sessions if you prefer to use that. Wireless access is available in the lab.

    At times you will be doing a fair bit of typing and you will want to have a large enough screen and separate physical keyboard so that you can view content and type at the same time.

    Lab exercises are based on using the lab computers.
    If it appears that you are having challenges with your own device, we will ask you to use the lab computer.

    Instructional Methods

    • Hands-on labs
    • Discussion
    • Online collaboration
    • Lecture

    Course Materials

    • Web site
    • Course notes
    • Printed copies of on-screen lecture notes available on request during lectures

    No Recording or Pictures in the Lab

    Please note: Taking pictures or video during the course sessions is not permitted. All the course materials and lecture notes are available in physical form and on the web.

  • JimUBC 12:07 am on April 30, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Programming Mechanics and Mindset 

    The next session of this course starts next Wednesday night 6:30-9:30 pm at Robson Square (Lab C460). Seats still available: Register here: Programming Mechanics and Mindset


    This course can be applied to the Award of Achievement HTML5 Academy


    With modern tools you can create a web page, or even an entire web site without knowing anything about programming – but – to get beyond simply adding content to pre-made templates you do need to know what is going on below the surface: You need to know about programming. Even if you don’t intend to write programs, an understanding of the fundamentals will demystify many of the technologies you will encounter in web development.

    Course Description

    We explore a big picture view of the Internet and identify centres of technology. It is in these centres of technology that various kinds of programming take place. We then look at high level programming concepts: variables, scope, control structures, sub procedures and functions and discuss scripting, compiled and hybrid languages and concepts related to object oriented programming.

    Duration: 18 hours (6 evening sessions)

    Register for this course: Programming Mechanics and Mindset

    Theoretical Objectives

    You will learn concepts and terminology related to programming, and understand where these are used in web development. Some of the high level concepts covered in this course:

    • Programming in General
    • Scripting in Contrast
    • High/Low level languages
    • Abstraction
    • Sequence
    • Branching
    • Iteration
    • Variables
    • Procedures/Functions
    • Parameters
    • Return Values
    • State and Statelessness on the web
    • Object Oriented Programming

    Practical Objectives

    You will learn how to read programming/scripting code in several environments and recognize the application of the concepts shown in the Theoretical Objectives. (left panel on this page).
    You will learn the general layout of a integrated software development environment tool and create a simple website.


    Lab Equipment and Devices

    The sessions are conducted in a computer lab and you will have a lab computer for you to use.

    You are welcome to bring your own computer to the lab sessions if you prefer to use that. Wireless access is available in the lab.

    At times you will be doing a fair bit of typing and you will want to have a large enough screen and separate physical keyboard so that you can view content and type at the same time.

    Lab exercises are based on using the lab computers.
    If it appears that you are having challenges with your own device, we will ask you to use the lab computer.

    Please plan to use your own cloud based storage (SkyDrive, DropBox, iCloud or similar) or a USB storage key.


    Instructional Methods

    • Hands-on labs
    • Discussion
    • Online collaboration
    • Lecture
    • Homework assignments submitted online

    Course Materials

    • Web site
    • Course notes
    • Printed copies of on-screen lecture notes available on request during lectures

    No Recording or Pictures in the Lab

    Please note: Taking pictures or video during the course sessions is not permitted. All the course materials and lecture notes are available in physical form and on the web.


    floor plan of Robson Square

  • JimUBC 1:04 am on January 21, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Promoting Metacognition 

    I just started a new course and asked the participants to comment on the post below. Here are the responses

    Consider this picture.
    Learning Cycle

    Can you see how this applies to what you are doing before our sessions and while we are together?

    Please reply with a comment about our first session.

    Highlights / Metacognition

    • What did you think was the most valuable thing that happened for you tonight?
    • What did you learn from that?
    • What will you do with that knowledge?


    • Now that we’ve had our first session, what do you want to know?
    • What could we have done better?

    If you spot a question from someone else and you can answer it – please do.

    Here are the responses

  • JimUBC 11:21 pm on November 28, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Vancouver Web DevCamp! For developers, by developers. 

    In-person Vancouver Web DevCamp

    Here’s a special event for all of you have participated in my programming or web related courses (or you’re coming soon). If you want to know what you can do with DreamSpark and Windows Azure you won’t want to miss this. Here is the announcement or you can just Register Now.

    Build, Deploy, Scale!

    Build cutting edge web sites with the new release of ASP.NET and Web Tools for Visual Studio 2013. Then deploy and scale them with Windows Azure.

    As part of the first wave of Developer Movement events being hosted in Canada, a Web DevCamp is coming to Vancouver on December 12/2013!

    At this Web Camp, you’ll learn how to develop beautiful, interactive and fast web sites using Microsoft’s web tools and platform. You will also learn how to deploy and scale your web sites with the cloud.
    This Web Camp will not cost you anything to attend and breakfast and lunch will be provided by Microsoft!

    Here’s a snapshot of the topics that will be covered in this Web Camp:

    • Introduction to ASP.NET and Visual Studio 2013 Web Tooling
    • Building Web Applications using the latest ASP.NET technologies
    • Building web front ends for both desktop and mobile using the latest web standards
    • API Services for both web and devices
    • Running, improving and maintaining a site in the real world
    • Real-time Communications with SignalR

    What to bring with you:

    • To keep things simple, bring you ID and something to take notes on.
    • If you want to do the labs or follow along with the demos, you’ll need to bring a laptop.

    More information and Register Now.

    See you there.

  • JimUBC 4:14 pm on November 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Surface Pro 2 comparison to Surface Pro 

    Microsoft Surface Pro
    I got the Surface Pro as soon as it was available in February 2013. It seemed almost premature to get the Surface Pro 2 when it came out in October 2013 but I got it anyway. The main reason: For many of my classes I like to have two screens up while I’m teaching. Up to this point I had been using the Surface RT as my second screen, but my must-have applications (Mouse Without Borders, Sketchbook Pro) do not run on that machine. When the Surface Pro 2 came out – I was ready to make the jump. The intent was not to replace the original Surface Pro, but to get another full-function tablet to use with it. In short – it’s exactly what I needed. I want to add that if you have a Surface Pro, I wouldn’t be looking to replace it with a Surface Pro 2. There are advantages to the new unit but the original Surface Pro is still a wonderful machine and by no means obsolete.

    The biggest advantages of the Surface Pro 2 over the original Surface Pro:

    • Battery life.
      For my typical applications: Surface Pro runs 3.5 hours. The Surface Pro 2 runs 5.5 hours. This difference matters when I need to spend extended time away from AC power but when I’m teaching the Surface Pro lasts long enough.
    • Kick Stand angle
      It’s a small thing but the Surface Pro 2 has a two step kick stand that allows it to sit tilted both at the original angle of the Surface Pro, and also a second position – tilted a little farther back. If I have the Surface Pro 2 on a desktop, lectern, or hand-held, this does not matter at all. The only time I use the new second position is when I have the Surface Pro 2 on a flat surface that is low, but not low enough to lay it flat.
    • Processor Speed
      In all the reviews that I’ve read much has been made of the faster processor in the Surface Pro 2.
      For what I do when I’m teaching and day to day computing, I don’t notice the difference when I have the machines side-by-side.

    Enjoy your Surface Pro if you have one, but if you don’t take a really good look at the Surface Pro 2. It’s a wonderful machine.

    Surface Pro 2
    Mouse Without Borders

  • JimUBC 1:01 pm on October 27, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Sustainable Web Design 

    It’s easy to think that sustainability is only a concern in the material world.

    Here’s an interesting perspective.

    Sustainable Web Design

    Sustainable Web Design

    by James Christie Published in Application Development, State of the Web

    A growing number of industries are trying to reduce or at least curtail carbon footprints and energy use. Emissions standards have been set for the automotive, construction, and even telecommunications industries. Yet the internet’s carbon footprint is growing out of control: a whopping 830 million tons of CO2 annually, which is bigger than that of the entire aviation industry. That amount is set to double by 2020.

    It is time for web designers to join the cause.

    Read the rest: Sustainable Web Design


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