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  • JimUBC 11:40 am on April 24, 2013 Permalink | Reply  


    jQuery – Beyond Fundamentals IP250W13A

  • JimUBC 3:01 am on March 11, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Microsoft Surface in the Lecture & Lab 

    Microsoft Surface Tablets

    Look me up at the CTLT Institute
    CTLT Institute
    this year and I’ll fill you in in how I am using both the Surface RT and Surface Pro in my teaching practice.

    Or drop me a line and I’d be happy to have you sit-in during one of my lab sessions so you can see how I use these with my students.

  • JimUBC 6:55 pm on February 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Microsoft Surface Pro 

    Microsoft Surface Pro

    Now THIS is going to change things. Not only can I run all my old applications, this is fast, light, has a great screen, and is very quiet. The digital pen works as well if not better than with my previous Table PCs. I’ve already gotten more than 4 hours running time with it, and this would be more than enough to do a typical lecture for me. I’m very excited.

    What about the Surface RT I picked up 90 days ago? Well it’s still here. I knew that it would take a backseat to the Pro when it arrived, but I don’t regret having it. If you’ve ever seen me do a lecture, (at least from my side of things), you would know that I usually have two machines with me. I like to have a backup, and it also lets me look ahead even when my main machine (in this case the Surface Pro) is mirrored on a projector.

    More about all of this when I have the workflow ironed out.

  • JimUBC 6:49 pm on October 27, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Microsoft Surface RT 

    Microsoft Surface RT

    I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. It’s here and I expect that it will change things in my lectures and labs considerably.

  • JimUBC 3:15 pm on October 22, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    The Developer Movement Launches in Canada 

    Microsoft launches The Developer Movement!
    The Developer

    About the Movement
    Make your app the next big thing!
    It’s time to get motivated with The Developer Manifesto.

    We are the game changers. We won’t settle for second best.
    We are the ones who know hard work pays off and that victory
    is only an app away. We know that if we don’t build it, they
    won’t come, but when we do, we’ll create a phenomenon.
    We are the imaginative, the creative and the driven.
    We are going to Start Something!

    Who is eligible to participate in the Developer Movement?
    The Developer Movement is open to:
    a) Individuals who are legal residents of Canada.
    b) Individuals who own a sole proprietorship company in Canada.
    What is the timeframe for the Developer Movement?
    This program begins on October 22nd, 2012, and ends on June 15, 2013.

  • JimUBC 1:07 pm on October 15, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Microsoft Kicks Off WOWZAPP 2012: Worldwide Hackathon for Windows 

    WOWZAPP 2012 -- Vancouver, Canada

  • JimUBC 7:57 pm on May 29, 2012 Permalink | Reply  


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