• JimUBC 12:20 am on May 9, 2016 Permalink Reply  

    Surface Book and 4K Monitor

    With 4K TVs coming down in price I was curious to see if I could use a 4K TV as a monitor with my Surface Book.


    For this discussion I’m using the UHD-1 definition
    4K is  3840 x 2160 pixels
    That’s the equivalent of four 1920 x 1080 monitors.

    Why would anyone want to do this? Well in my case it was because I was already running four 24” monitors with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution. When I came across a great deal on a 48 inch 4K TV it held the promise to get the equivalent of my four monitors all on one screen.

    I had already shopped around and tried a couple of those 21:9 monitors. These are 3440 x 1440 and there are several of these 34” monitors..  The result was less than I wanted because there wasn’t enough screen real estate to replace my four monitors.
    (3440 x 1440 vs. 3840 x 2160)

    I had already tried several 4K monitors and found that the Surface Book could run with fine in Duplicate mode (3000 x 2000) on both the Surface Book and the external monitor, but in Extend Mode, I couldn’t get the external monitor to run 3840 x 2160. I have since found out that not all mini-display port to HDMI adapters are equal.

    In my hunt to find just the right combination I found a retail store that was willing to let me try different 4K TVs who happened to have a mini-display port to HDMI adapter that worked.   I got a 48” curved screen TV.  Got it back to my place and it wouldn’t run at full resolution.  The difference – I wasn’t using the same mini-display port to HDMI adapter, so I went back to the store to get one of theirs.  And it all worked.

    This is the TV that I got. This is information NOT a recommendation. It’s too soon for that.
    Samsung UN48JU6700 Curved 48-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV



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