• JimUBC 6:54 pm on May 25, 2015 Permalink Reply  

    Surface Pro 3 for Developers – Sighting in the Wild

    When I’m out and about and I fire up my Surface Pro 3, I look around for other Surface devices. I guess I’m looking for kindred spirits.

    I was at a Developers’ event on the weekend. As usual I glanced around and there were about thirty portable computers of various kinds from mega-gaming machines to tiny tablets.  Seven of them were Surface Pro units (mostly Surface Pro 3). Except for the Microsoft Store,  that’s the most Surface  devices I’ve ever seen in one place.

    That was fun and edifying. We compared notes. Several of us have the docking station. Most of us use the Surface Pro 3 as our main computing device replacing some combination of desktop and a portable device. All of us were happy with the decision to get one.

    Don’t underestimate the value of small and light. This was a four hour event in a tiny demonstration room. There were power outlets on only one side of the room. That side of the room was crowded and populated by the mega-laptop people. The Surface guys were on other side of the room with more elbow room and without the tangle of wires that goes with being tethered to power.


    Thanks to Mark Schramm for organizing the event.

    Speaking of shedding wires three of the four presenters used Surface Pro devices  and at least one of them used the Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter.

    On another note here are some more things to explore



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