Surface Pro 3: Great Service at the Microsoft Store

Things go wrong from time to time and what is important is how people deal with those adversities.

Last week I wandered into the Microsoft Store near me  with my Surface Pro 3. I wasn’t unhappy, but a little concerned. It seemed to be running warm and the fan was running more frequently than seemed warranted when the system was basically idle.

I had to make an appointment to see an expert and that was okay. They were busy, but I was able make that appointment for an hour later the same day.  I had other things to do during that hour so that was fine. When I returned the expert was right on time waiting for me.

I explained my concern to the expert, and after a very few questions he said, “I’ll be back in a minute”. He returned with a new unit. There were a few details to cover off with the documentation, but the whole thing was done in minutes.

The great thing was all my data was on OneDrive so I didn’t have to do anything except get connected to the web and give it a little time. While I was waiting I reinstalled my non-Windows store applications and I was back in business.

All things considered, this was painless and given the kind of reception I have had at other retailers, overall this was a very pleasant experience.