Teaching in the Land of BYOD – CTLT Institute Thursday May 30th 2013
I’ve had several interesting conversations on this topic, and found some great material. The registration is full, but I’ve found out that there is physically room for many more in the facility so if you are interested, please come.
CTLT in 2013 on Thursday May 30th, 2013 12:00 – 1:00 pm
How has teaching changed in the context of extremely portable devices like smart phones and tablets?
- How do you measure engagement?
- How can you teach in a room without walls?
- How can you leverage the technology?
For over thirty years I’ve worked on the premise that technology can be a great place to start a conversation. Let’s hope that this new trend is not the end of conversation. Please join us for a lively discussion of how this phenomenon is impacting you, your students, and your practice, with the view to coming up with practical ways to be part of this ever changing landscape.
Please add links to any material you feel is related to this discussion in the comments – Thanks!