Chinese do not trust “Made in China”

from Xinhuanet


Yesterday, the chart <Top 500 Asian brands> published in Hong Kong by World Brand Lab and World Executive Group. The top three brands are Samsung, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Japan’s Toyota, China, Japan and South Korea are included in the three countries with the most brand.


These 500 companies were comes from 19 different Asian countries and regions. China defeated Japan got the first place with 204 brands (included Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan).That means more than 40% top 500 brand were born in China while Japan occupied 32.8% and only 9% South Korea brand were included.


Interestingly, in the <Brand loyalty survey in Asia> which brought out in the same time, Chinese showed a totally opposite reaction with Japanese. In Japanese citizens’ mind, the top 10 brands are all made in Japan while Chinese citizens chose 10 foreign brands. It shows that although Chinese companies shows a significant improvement on the international market, they are still cannot be accepted by local. From the poisonous milk power to the cheap smartphone, Chinese industry has become the spokesman to the stuff with cheap price and unfaithful quality in Chinese people’s mind deeply and might not be able to be changed in a short period.


It seems that Chinese brands still have a long way to go on rebuild the market inland.






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Weiwei Guo,亚洲品牌500强揭晓 中国内地118个品牌上榜,         Xinhuanet


When Hai Di Lao Meets American:How Can a Restaurant Survive Abroad


Picture: from

Since the Hai Di Lao Hot Pot came to public in September 7th at Arcadia, Los Angeles, America, there always a long queue outside the shop. But it only got a score at 2.5 on Yelp.(Yelp,2013) It is not hard to find the reason—-Hai Di Lao didn’t acclimatized itself to the American Market.

Hai Di Lao’s biggest fault was it didn’t offer English severe. Even if this is a Chinese food restaurant, it’s weird that you cannot found any English words expect the signboard and most of the waitresses are Mandarin speakers. It is nearly impossible for a costumer who cannot speak Chinese to order food.

There is also some culture difference made this China’s most popular hot pot restaurant reaped such a low evaluation among Americans. One of Hai Di Lao’s characteristic is its meticulously severe, such as manicure and shoe shines for consumers who are waiting in the long lines. But in Americans eyes, those exclusive severe are neither inopportune nor insanitary.

Luckily, Hai Di Lao improved its severe in time and added English explanation on menus. There still have a lot of problem to be solved, but we can see that Hai Di Lao is trying its best to acclimatize itself to the American Market. This is a task which every transnational restaurant have to face and solve.




  1. Jiaoyu Duan, 海底捞美国水土不服,只获2.5星差评
  2.  Yelp, Haidilao Hot Pot