Four Types of Media: Paid, Owned, Earned & Shared

One of the most important relationships to consider when putting together a content strategy is understanding the dynamics between your company’s paid owned, earned, and most recently, shared media channels. Contemporary marketing is an integrated approach that has just recently involved social media and user-generated content (Yelp, Google Reviews etc.). To better understand the effect these 4 types of media have on the other, I will first define them:

Paid – Also known as bought media to leverage a channel. Ex. Advertisements or sponsorships etc.

Owned– A channel that houses content that the brand controls. Ex. Website, mobile app, blog, social media accounts, etc.

Earned – “Free media” where customers organically advocate for your brand. Ex. Word of Mouth, Buzz, Viral, etc.

Shared – Fans and followers’ engagement on brand’s owned channels. Ex. Participation in contests, comments, ‘Likes’, etc.

Amazing synergies arise when all 4 media are used to leverage & support the others in an integrated marketing strategy.

Trend is less paid and more earned. People are paying less and less attention to traditional advertising. You can now spend less and gain more through digital and social marketing. It is also important to be an expert because this is where your customers are. The more value you are giving to your consumers the more earned media will be acquired

Important to have quality owned media. This channel the brand has all the control. You need to have contemporary, interesting and engaging content in order to drive earned and shared media. This medium is used to communicate your value proposition to your consumers. Owned channels are a great way to express your product/service offerings and for targeted messaging.

Leverage Shared & Earned Media. Consumers trust user generated content over a company’s owned content  because it is completely authentic and transparent. Listen and respond to shared and earned & find ways to link these mediums to your owned channels.

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