Category Archives: eMarketing

Google Adwords for Amateurs

Getting your business to appear on the first page of Google is crucial to be top of mind and relevant in the eye of your consumers. You can only do so much to improve your SEO – organic search results. Search … Continue reading

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Google Glass is Game-Changing Technology!

I’ve been fascinated with Google Glass and the technology around augmented reality (AR) that I researched further into it. Mashable describes AR as “a live, direct, or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated … Continue reading

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Social Media Disasters

In the social media age there is a brilliant opportunity for brands to be in direct communication with their target consumer on a real-time basis. Social media allows consumers to be a part of this brand building journey. User generated … Continue reading

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Four Types of Media: Paid, Owned, Earned & Shared

One of the most important relationships to consider when putting together a content strategy is understanding the dynamics between your company’s paid owned, earned, and most recently, shared media channels. Contemporary marketing is an integrated approach that has just recently involved … Continue reading

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Google Hummingbird’s Impact on Stakeholders

At the end of September, Google revealed the biggest update in their search algorithm since “Caffeine” in 2010. Hummingbird provides users with a more relevant and comprehensive search that is supposed to accommodate advanced queries such as questions. Google’s end … Continue reading

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