New iPhone 4s

The new iPhone 4s was announced by Apple yesterday.

The iPhone has a duel core A5 chip which is up to twice as fast, then they completed redesigned the camera, which not only has 8 mega pixels but new optics. The main difference between iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s is “Siri”. Siri, is a whole new way of interacting with the iPhone using just your voice which acts like an amazing assistance that can answer your questions, listens to you, understands you, and it even complete tasks for you.

Apple has launched this new iPhone 4s with the same appearance of the old iPhone 4 but adding up to 200+ new features. This marketing strategy, is what I believe would attract most customers into lining up and buying the new iPhone 4s. Even though, people with iPhone 4, I believe what Apple is doing right now, will still  attract a large proportion of the current iPhone 4 users to change and buy the iPhone 4s, as the old iPhone isn’t capable of doing so.

The pricing strategy is unique. Apple has stopped selling the iPhone 3gs and limited the iPhone 4 to 8GB starting at a price of $99 which is a lot cheaper than when it was first launched. Then selling the iPhone 4s starting at $199 with 16GB which has more memory then the old iPhone 4. With such technique, I believe Apple will once again dominate the Smartphone market.


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