About Me

    I would describe myself as a fashionable-feminist-country-gaming-nerd. I read every feminist text I can get my hands on and am always on the look-out for a feminist book-club (anyone interested? Claire?). My first exploration of feminism was in grade 11 when I read “The Mists of Avalon”. I wasn’t looking for a feminist read; I just really enjoy Arthurian legend. As I read, however, my perception of not only the King Arthur stories but of the world as well began to change. The book tells the story from the perspective of all the women involved: Morgaine, Vivian, Gwynhwyfar, Morgause, and Igraine. Besides having kick-ass names, the women in the story have great power and are the real ones in charge of events. My love for medieval literature was the catalyst for my feminist awakening. (As well as the book “Cunt”, but I’ll leave it there.)

As brought up last class, I’m a gamer. I am a Blood Elf named Dragonrider in WOW (world of warcraft), and my character is a hunter, archer, and a jewel-crafter. Because making jewelry is a top priority for archers, obviously. I grew up playing Nintendo, and my all-time favourite game will forever be Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Why is it called Zelda? Link does all the work! I also really loved Assassins Creed: Black Flag, because you get to be a pirate who fights with swords, captains ships, and travels 18th century Caribbean. And I know that whale-hunting is awful, inhumane, and just plain cruel. But… you get to do it in the game, and throwing spears at big fish is super fun! (Game only I swear, I love animals.)

Which brings me to the country part. I grew up in Aldergrove, a small town way outside Vancouver, where tons of people live on farms and no-one goes trick or treating there because the driveways are too long and the houses too far apart. My elementary school was so country that recess sometimes got cancelled because the cows from the farm next door got through the fence and into the playground. Seriously. I ride Western and used to compete in Little Britches Rodeos – I have the belt buckle to prove it. My parents still have the farm and our two retired horses who are now in their twenties, which is pretty much ancient for a horse. Taco, our miniature donkey, keeps them company. (He supposedly came from a petting zoo which “closed down”, but he’s such a brat that it’s more likely he got kicked out of the zoo.)

Fired from petting zoo.

Rags (short for Rags-to-Riches)

Devoted barn watch-dog.

Rosalinda (as named by my 5-year-old niece).

A few months ago I learned the term “Basic Bitch” and realized, unfortunately, that I fit the description. I love Starbucks, interior design, love shopping at Target, and have a blanket ladder in my living room. But… unlike a BB, I can say that I hate pumpkin spiced lattes, I have a map of Middle Earth hanging in my bedroom, I love gothic fiction, and I have read the Harry Potter series fourteen times. And I consider it a real possibility that one day I’ll find a dragon egg and it will hatch for me just like Jeremy Thatcher the Dragon Hatcher.



note: my brother and I discussed the term “Basic Bitch” and decided it is both classist and sexist.



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