Activity 1: Flight path

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My experience and goals

If I were to describe myself in three words, I would say I am curious, strategic, and creative. I have just under a decade of professional experience, spanning across design, learning technology, learning and development (L&D), and talent management / organizational development, throughout which I have led and supported multiple technology integrations. My primary goal for this course is to strengthen my knowledge on the theory of technology integrations, so that I am able to reflect more critically on my previous work and leverage these takeaways in future projects.

What I want to learn

Through this course I am also looking forward to learning how to better leverage technologies for “formative and summative assessment” (MET, n.d.), so that I can ensure more meaningful feedback to my learners throughout their technology-enabled learning experiences. I will also be paying close attention to my experience as a student of this course in the way it is “a structured sandbox in which to explore” (MET, n.d.), so that I can continue to develop my skills on enabling experiential learning experiences. These are especially important in my work in workplace development, where we anticipate other tasks to compete for our audience’s time and attention. I want to ensure we maximize their learning and that they are set up for success to apply their learning in their work!

Alignment with ISTE, First Peoples Principles of Learning, and Seven Principles

I believe my learning goals above particularly align with the “Facilitator” and “Analyst” standards in ISTE (ISTE, 2017), that “[l]earning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational” from First Peoples Principles of Learning (FNESC, 2015), and the fourth principle around providing “[p]rompt [f]eedback” in the Seven Principles (Chickering & Ehrmann, 1996).

My hopes out of ETEC 524

My hope is that ETEC 524 would help me become a digital-age learning professional through the opportunities to deeply “connec[t] … theory and practice” as I reflect on the readings (MET, n.d.), articulate my thoughts, and explore the technologies. I also believe I would gain tremendous value from the opportunities to practice creating meaningful assessment strategies that support development and measure performance. As well, as with any other MET course, I value the opportunity to learn through discussions and feedback from the instructor as well as my peers.

Key skills to develop to meet my goals

To meet my goals, I believe the key skills or approaches I need to develop are flexibility and openness. Throughout the MET program so far, I have been finding that many of my peers’ learning audiences are young people at schools, as opposed to mine who are professionals at large business organizations. While I have been thoroughly appreciating the opportunity to learn from my peers’ experiences and challenges, I am also finding that our respective contexts sometimes result in different focus areas, which means some discussions are not as relevant or applicable to my work. I believe the opportunity to choose the organizational context for the LMS selection assignment would alleviate this challenge, and in addition I aim to be more flexible and open to learning and discussing contexts that are different from my own.

Course topics most relevant to my goals

Looking at the course schedule, I believe the areas that are most important to my goals are “Theoretical Frameworks” in Week 2 and “Assessment” in Week 6 (“Modules,” 2022). I think those two modules would particularly expand my knowledge and skills!

resources I need

Last but not least, the primary resource I need to master these technologies is access to an LMS sandbox where I can practice what I learn in this course. I am a hands-on learner, and I find getting to learn through trial-and-error helps make my learning stick.


“Modules.” (2022). In ETEC 524 64C 2022W1 Learning Technologies: Selection, Design, and Application. The University of British Columbia.

Chickering, A. W., & Ehrmann, S., C. (1996). Implementing the seven principles: Technology as lever. American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, 49(2), 3-6.

FNESC. (2015). The First Peoples Principles of Learning.

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2017). Standards for teachers.

Master of Educational Technology (MET). (n.d.). ETEC 524: Learning technologies: Selection, design and application. The University of British Columbia.


This page links to all of the comments I’ve made on my colleagues’ posts. Some comments may be awaiting moderation.

Task 1: What’s in your bag?

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6

Task 7

Task 8

Task 9

Task 12

Linking task 12: Speculative futures — Kelcie

Links: My post for Task 12  ·  Kelcie’s post for Task 12

I chose to link to Kelcie’s post because we both leveraged multimedia for our tasks, and I thought it would be interesting to dive deeper and explore the similarities and differences in which multimedia enhanced our content.

How has your colleague’s experience differed from yours? And how do you know?

Kelcie mentioned in her post for Task 4 that she is an art teacher, and I can see how her expertise and comfort level with visual representations is evident throughout her blog.

For Task 12, I especially appreciated the stark contrast in the visuals she chose for her two Genially presentations, where one feels digital, cold, and uses high-contrast colours, whereas the other feels more human, gentle, and uses more muted tones.

As for me, I was a visual art undergraduate and have been trying to get back into coding, and upon reflection now I see how I focused more on the interaction of my task, as opposed to Kelcie’s which also leveraged visual design to evoke feelings.

What web authoring tool have they chosen to manifest their work?

    • For our blogs: Kelcie uses Wix, whereas I’m using WordPress on UBC Blogs.
    • For our posts for Task 12: Kelcie used Genially, and I used p5.js and HTML.

How does their tool differ from yours in the ways in which it allows content-authoring and end-user interface?

I’m not too familiar with Wix so I can’t speak to the content-authoring side of it, but I see similarities in the end-user interfaces of Wix versus WordPress on UBC Blogs. I did notice that there’s a limited selection of WordPress themes for UBC Blogs, as compared to the virtually limitless options on I imagine Kelcie would’ve had more control in the customization of her blog using Wix compared to my options on UBC Blogs.

What literacies does their site privilege or deny in comparison and contrast to yours?

I will leverage two key themes of The New London Group’s (1996) article A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social future — cultural & linguistic diversity and modes — in exploring the literacies of our sites and posts.

Cultural & linguistic diversity

    • Language (similarity): Kelcie and I both use the English language for our posts.
    • Experience with art/design (similarity): Kelcie is an art teacher, and my undergrad was in visual art.
    • Experience with teaching at schools (difference): It appears to me that Kelcie is familiar with the terms and concepts used at schools, such as subjects, grades, and SEL. These are not things I’ve had to use in my work.
    • Experience with organizational learning and development in the business sector (difference): The equivalents of subjects, grades, and SEL in my work may be programs and training, performance management, and collaboration skills and wellness initiatives, respectively.


    • Visual design (similarity): (I referenced earlier in this post how I think our experience with art/design manifests in our blog and tasks.)

What theoretical underpinnings are evident in your/your colleague’s textual architecture and how does this affect one’s experience of the work?

As I alluded to under ‘Cultural & linguistic diversity’, one of the things that stood out to me in Kelcie’s post for Task 12 was her ability to assess and support learning for young people. Her work is thoughtful, whereas mine is more direct. Upon reflection, I think my experience working with experienced professionals throughout my entire career so far may have shaped the way I communicate and tackle tasks.

How do the constraints of the course design manifest in your architectural choices? How have you responded to the pedagogical underpinnings of this course design in your own web space?

Initially I found the blog format to be freeing (compared to Canvas discussions or word documents for most other courses) and allowed me to be more creative with my tasks. However, once I got used to the blog format, I started to also see its limitations.

For that reason, for Task 12 I decided to code my submission from scratch using HTML and p5.js. It was a ton of fun, and I wish I had thought to do this (and more!) earlier! I thought it would be fitting to execute my last task for a text technologies course using very literal text technologies (HTML, p5.js).


The New London Group. (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures. Harvard Educational Review, 66(1), 60-92.

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