Culture Jammed Ad Analysis

The tagline “your relationship or your abs” was chosen to bring the root of the issue to the forefront without any fancy words to conceal the absurdity of what Reebok is insinuating. By drawing attention to it in a very obvious way, it forces people to see the ridiculousness of it the choice and also to think about why the original ad is ridiculous. The “sponsored by Reebok” underneath is once again meant to point towards the original ad and to place blame onto Reebok and to show that they are essentially sponsoring people to choose between their long-term relationships or how good they look. I chose the image to be the exact opposite of Reebok’s. Theirs had a male muscular model facing away from the camera so that the audience only saw their backside. On the other hand, the picture I chose framed both the male and female in the picture and facing towards the audience in an attempt to humanize the people involved, particularly the female who was left out of the original ad. Putting faces to the concept of cheating might drive home how much worse that option is.

Ultimately, the entire point of this culture jam is to show the absurdity of the situation and to drive home certain aspects of it. Reebok to this day has not lived down the fact they aired this ad, despite only airing it in one small area because of the Internet. For all Reebok does to try and divert their image away from this time as they did in response to some of President Trump’s comments, people will remember what they also did in the past.

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