
Welcome to my blog! This blog will be used exclusively for English 301 99A, a course intended for students majoring in any myriad of disciplines ranging from Science, to commerce, to education and even health-sciences.

In this course, we will be exploring the fundamentals behind both written and online communication in business and professional settings. Students will have the opportunity to discuss and practice writing applications, reports, and proposals. In addition, we will also acquire the skills to write proper correspondences and online communications such as emails, texts, Web Folio and networking. All the skills we acquire here will be invaluable for when we eventually transition from being a student and step into our full-time careers.

This section of English 301 will take place entirely online. We will be expected to keep up with assigned assignments, stay on schedule, and work together with our instructor and other students. The collaborations with other students include engaging in online discussions and peer reviews. All of this practice will help to further develop our professional writing skills in business and professional contexts.

This course interests me a lot because I entered the workforce without learning much about professional communication.  I was not aware of this course during my previous undergrad, neither was it a pre-requisite course, so I never had the opportunity to learn these types of skills. All the professional communication skills I acquired was through studying others and careful trial and error. By completing this course, I hope to add more skills to my toolbox in this area and to also find out the extent of what I learned on my own. In my future career in the computer science industry, I hope to take my further refined professional communication skills to help me succeed in all my workplace endeavours.

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