Article by CBC News clearly explains to Canadians what had happened to the first settlers of the very ground we stand on. The Indian Act enacted in 1876 has allowed the Canadian government to basically control the lives of all the aboriginals. The act although bashed by many, has benefits such as tax exemptions in reserves, this however does not resolute the fact that these groups has been thoroughly been harassed by our government and the people of Canada. The Indian Act which allows the government to control aspects such as Indian land, resources and will can be seen in affect as the Northern Gateway pipeline get closer to reaching a agreement with the government. The pipeline would run through much of Aboriginal claimed land, who have promised both legal and physical obstruction of the project. Enbridge has been in constant communication with the First Nations groups for multiple years, but whether they reach an agreement before the start of the project, the federal government has the power to expropriate from these groups. Flexing the Indian Act once again. How this might impact Enbridge as a company is that the cost factor will significantly be increased. This leads to lower profit for Enbridge as both parties would require a share of the revenue, in addition to any legal costs/ consultation costs that the Indian groups have already voiced. The friction that has been started between the Indian groups, Enbridge and the Canadian government will lead to much opinion by society, as the two team up against the already underprivileged population.
National Post: First Nation Showdown could be Northern Gateway’s biggest obstacle
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First Nations leaders worry ownership bill could target their resources