Inside the fall of BlackBerry: How the smartphone inventor failed to adapt


As BlackBerry is a popular topic in class, this article interested me, as I wanted to see more details behind the decline of BlackBerry. It seems BlackBerrys decline had two main catalysts. Firstly, their failure to create and “ iPhone killer “ ignited their fall. Verizon gave BlackBerry the opportunity to create a phone that would be iPhone competitor, but this resulted as a “ flop.” Verizon immediately turned to Motorola and Google to create an “ iPhone Killer.” This goes to show how scarce opportunities can be. Secondly, once BlackBerry felt the pressure from the iPhone, they began to shy away from their routes that made them successful. They introduced an all-touch smartphone into a market that was already “crowded” with them. This article highlights the importance of balance between new innovation and staying true to your roots. BlackBerry left the roots that made them successful, resulting in their ultimate downfall of a 965 million dollar second quarter loss and 4500 lost jobs.


Want fruit with your burger? McDonald’s expands anti-obesity push

This article caught my attention, as it is a prime example of how external forces such as government and organizations can have an effect on companies. McDonald’s is once again implementing changes to its menu to satisfy these external forces. McDonald’s is taking two major steps towards a healthier menu, which include adding healthier options to value meals and increasing the marketing surrounding water, milk and juice in its Happy Meals. What surprises me the most is why these changes took so long to come into affect. Obesity has been a big problem in America for many years, as one third of Americans are obese, leading to an increased nations healthcare bill. McDonalds is taking a step in the right direction as they plan to work together with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to expand the popularity and accessibility to fruit and vegetables. McDonalds will act as an example for other companies as they are considered the “ trend setter “ among restaurant chains.


Lance Armstrong shamed by doping scandal





In early 2013, Lance Armstrong admitted to taking banned substances, which he once denied taking, while being interviewed on the Oprah Winfrey show. This confession led to national outrage as his miracle story of overcoming cancer and continuing his Olympic career was now considered one big lie. His mistakes are obvious in that he should not have lied about doping. Not only does Armstrong face personal humiliation, but he is also facing the disappearance of his sponsorship deals and the humility of having to walk away from his self-founded charity Livestrong. Armstrong has lost immense amounts of money as sponsors including Nike, Trek Bicycles and Giro have all ended their affiliation with the former cyclist.


The repercussions behind Lance Armstrong’s lies not only affect him, but also all the people that viewed him as a role model. This once amazing story that gave people with cancer motivation is now tarnished forever.