On October 7, 2011, The Walt Disney Co. stated that the current CEO, Bob Iger, will step down in March 2015. He plans to stay as the chairman of Disney at the end of March 2015 and leave his position on June 30, 2016. Iger joined Disney when the company purchased ABC in 1985. Soon after, Iger quickly got promoted to the top positions – chairman of ABC in 1996 and president of Disney International in 1999. The current Disney CEO has been operating the business with an exceptional performance, allowing the board to extend his contract until 2015. Also, by purchasing Pixar in 2006, Iger was able to form a close relationship with the apple co-founder Steve Jobs.(http://money.cnn.com/2011/10/07/technology/disney_ceo_iger_stepping_down/index.htm)

The current events around the world seem to be hinting a big change in our world. Starting with Barack Obama, the replacement of world’s most influential leaders, such as Steve Jobs, suggest that the world is ready for a new world. The Apple with Tim Cook will be different with the Apple with Steve Jobs and The Disney World in 2015 will be different fromtoday’s Disney. Our culture today will be different from the culture in the coming years.

What kind of change is our world getting ready for?

Business Ethics: Camry Network

Posted by: | September 15, 2011 | Leave a Comment

“Camry Effect” is an online project that Toyota created in order to connect their seven million Camry owners in the United States. Through this program, Camry drivers will be able to share their unique moments of their lives and reflect back on their milestones. The network of these stories will create unique “Effects” and the owners will be able to display their colorful statistics. As these personal Effects grow, they customers will realize the powerful connection that one car can bring and through this site, the all-new 2012 model will be revealed. (http://autospies.com/news/Toyota-Launches-Social-Network-To-Unite-Camry-Owners-66756/)

Today, many companies focus on new customers and the current customers are often forgotten. Not only did Toyota show their loyalty to their existing customers, but they came up with a very innovative idea to connect their customers together. By connecting the Camry owners to share their memories of the car, Toyota is naturally allowing their customers to view their car as a part of a memory instead of transportation. Therefore, the Camry drivers will be engaged in an exciting experience of driving a Camry through the personal connections between other Camry owners!

Hello world!

Posted by: | September 6, 2011 | Leave a Comment

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