Assignment 2.3 Our Definition of Home

After reading various blog posts of home by my colleagues, I have found similarity in the works of June, Samantha, Megan, Nicole, and Chase’s definition of home.


To me, home was sort of undefined because of the nature of living as a TCK, a third culture kid. My definition of home was not only where I was at currently, but also where I was at in any point of time in my life. So I have multiple homes and I cherish every single second of them. The similar part about the blog posts that I have read was they were constantly moving around as a kid, and had gone through the phase of having multiple homes, and to realize that they were at a dilemma in where they should consider their actual home.


Chase said in the very first sentence of her blog post that “Home is more than a physical structure that housed my growth” and June’s blog post about her grandfather being from North Korea really stunned me that even though there are different people all around the world, there still is similar thoughts about what home is to them, and to others. Some just think of home as the structure or the place that they grew up in, but sometimes home can be somewhere you are from, and currently are not living in that particular spot at the moment.


Interestingly a few points that I could make while reading the blog posts of other students were

  • Home is not just a physical place.
  • Home can change from time to time.
  • Home is where your heart belongs.
  • Home is where you find emotional peace and a peace of mind.
  • Home is family.

There were a lot of similarity reading through and it was fascinating for me to read the works of my classmates throughout the duration of this assignment. Truly, home is not just a physical place, but is defined by where we say home is.


Works Cited

“Chase Thomson’s ENGL 372 Blog.” Chase Thomsons ENGL 372 Blog,
JuneRoh, and JuneRoh. “English 372: Canadian Studies.” English 372 Canadian Studies, 1 Feb. 2020,
MeganCameron. “Megan Cameron’s Blog.” Megan Camerons Blog, 28 Jan. 2020,
“Oh Canada!” Oh Canada,
SamanthaKearleyRenfro. “Samantha’s Blog.” Samanthas Blog, 29 Jan. 2020,

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