Is Facebook having an anxiety attack? Is it being just way too competitive?
Ever since Snapchat launched, Facebook has made numerous attempts to buy it out. It is understandable that the social media mogul Facebook is somewhat irritated by the sudden competition. However, that might not justify it attempting to control the entire app market.
As apps are becoming more and more popular, Facebook recently encountered many competitions. Snapchat, supposedly having turned down an all cash offer from Facebook, seems to be the biggest one. Although trying to buy a competitor company may seem like a good idea for a large company like Facebook, being anxious and trying to make unsuccessful deals constantly could reflect poorly on the company.
In addition to the buy-out attempt, Facebook recently created it’s own photo-involving app called Poke, which received many negative views as being too similar to Snapchat. As a social networking company, Facebook may need to chill down on the chasing. Personally, the fact that Facebook seems to be intolerant of any type of competition seem really catty. Even from a business perspective, this could possibly affect potential partnership opportunities with, in this case, Snapchat.
Instead of trying to buy-out a company, I think Facebook would do much better in updating or creating an innovative social networking app.
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