Is it really possible that the Blackberry goes back in the game ?

Personally, I am fond of the Blackberry, especially due to its private messaging function, the Blackberry messenger. It even got me a girlfriend. However, I had to realize that in terms of technology the Apple and the Galaxy were much better choices and as such I am now using an IPhone 5. Like me, many costumers changed to better options and as such the Blackberry lost an important share of the market really quickly.


Now, the Blackberry has introduced a new model: the Blackberry Passport aimed solely at businessman, which was it original target market. Being targeted to businessman, the Blackberry technology I, as a costumer, complained about, has increased the hearing quality by 18 percent (as businessman still rely a lot on phone calls) and has widely increased its storage capability to 32 GB.


My fellow student Pei Ran in his blog has also noted this. However Dina Kasiri also mentioned the fact that it will be hard the business part of the market from other competitors. Despite both of them feeling optimistic about Blackberry’s new model, I think that the business market has already adapted to the Apple and Galaxy products. Apple products offer the ability to synchronize its products and since Mac seem to be a popular choice, especially in young businessmen, it is very likely that they just choose to remain with that company. Also, Galaxy offers a wider set of Apps, while the Software of Blackberry phones have always been an issue for them and they can only offer a narrow range of business-driven apps.


My personal opinion is that if Blackberry advertises the Passport well enough it might have a chance to regain part of the market but other firms already have their share and are not likely to let go.










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