Software list in linux

Linux OS: Linux Mint (Cinnamon), Ubuntu

File manager (mainly for synchronizing files ): nemo

Avant Window Navigator: good dock

GTK+theme: Mediterranean /usr/share/themes/

Image editor : GIMP;  Inkscape (vector-based);

Screen capture: Ksnapshot; (there is a default one, but not as good as this guy)

Play on Linux is required to install microsoft office under Linux OS.

TexMaker & Kile & xdvi for Latex; texlive-publishers.

Media player: always VLC

Sound recorder: audacity; Perfect and professional software for recording sound.

Gmount is for virtual cdrom iso;

Python, numpy, scipy, matplotlib… Good enough alternative for matlab

Python coding: spe / geany;

version control: git

synchronize: rsync

imagewrite for writing iso files to usb stick or CD. Very good tool

linux cinnamon support multitouch.




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