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Yogurt Tubes: Do Radical Marketing Plans Detract From What Is Most Important For Consumers?

I found Jenny’s in class example of marketing teams trying to position carrots in consumer’s minds as cool by putting them in pouches resembling snack food packaging very interesting.  Later that day, I tried to think of other examples of products that have tried similar marketing strategies.  I thought back to when I was a kid and what I use to commonly eat.  Then I remembered yogurt tubes.  The portable and colourful packaging made Yoplait GoGurt Tubes convenient to pack in lunch containers and eat on the go.  They were healthy and tasted good, especially when you froze them like a Popsicle so you could chew on them. Furthermore, the supporting ads on television enticed young views with cartoon characters that promoted being sporty, exciting and cool.

However, did the overwhelming radical new image of yogurt created by Yoplait GoGurt marketing division steer consumer’s attention away from what was really important?  The article placed in the link below states that Yoplait GoGurt products are overpriced and unhealthy.  Reading this article made me wonder if maybe consumers are too naive to fully understand the power and lasting effects marketing has over our daily lives and decisions.  Given that corporations are spending millions of dollars on marketing strategies to affect consumer behaviour, it could be argued that it is becoming increasingly difficult for consumers to make the right decisions that fit their personal values when it comes to choosing which products to consume.

Link to blog post on Yoplait GoGurt: http://www.consumethisfirst.com/2011/01/05/worst-food-of-the-week-yogurt-tubes/