
I was excited to participate in ETEC 522 prior to my enrolment as I have always been interested in entrepreneurship and the business field. The excitement paid off as I look back on my time during the course.

Explanatory Narrative of Posts
The links to my 10 posts are at the end of this submission

Selected Post 1 – Are You a Changemaker?

Explanation: I enjoyed this post specifically as I was trying to be honest with my peers and myself. Through saying that I often get caught up in the latest technological trend, I often found myself to be a changemaker but for the wrong reasons. This is still something I am working on personally as I try to view technology through a critical lens.

Selected Post 2 – Is the Education Marketplace Broken?

Explanation: This post occurred just as I had a similar conversation with a co-worker relating to the flow of money and resources from higher authorities to the education sector. It is an issue that I deeply hope is fixed eventually through a free-flowing marketplace.

Selected Post 4 – Immersive Experience End of Week Comment

Explanation: I really wanted to find a way to keep the conversation going during my OER week. I was listening to a podcast, and they touched on the topic of Meta and VR/AR. I hope that this post will keep the conversation going with future students taking ETEC 522.

Overall Posts

I think that I actively participated in discussions with my peers and actively proposed new views and questions during these discussions. Throughout each week of OERs, I participated in the group discussion on the ETEC 522 site and completed the various Padlets and surveys on each group’s OER website. During the Venture Forum, I provided in-depth feedback to my peers and congratulated them all on a job well done!


I actively participated each week; however, I would not say that I contributed exceptionally more than my peers in terms of the number of responses or comments provided. I would rate myself in the top 40% in relation to my peers for responses.


Final Statement

I can proudly say I put in a lot of effort into each of my assignment submissions using my experience in web design to create the best experience I could for my peers and for future students taking this course. I immediately noticed that most assignments were completed with Google Sites. I hoped that by trying new things with WordPress I would inspire other students to do the same instead of creating yet another Google Site. I hope future students will see the assignments I posted which were completed on WordPress (A1, A2, and A3) and try to push their project designs a little bit further.

List of Selected Postings

  1. Are You a Changemaker? –
  2. Is the Education Marketplace Broken? –
  3. Pitch Pool Response for Mursion –
  4. Immersive Experience End of Week Comment –
  5. Assistive Technologies OER –
  6. Classrooms of the Future OER –
  7. Coding Revolution OER –
  8. 5G Networks OER –
  9. Review – SpeaKulture by Safa’a –
  10. Who Owns the Future of Education? –