safeway vs carrefour

safeway is a well known hypermarket in canada and world wide. but, carrefour as well is well-known around the world. but the question is whether or not safeway can beat carrefour over in canada. in the middleast, safeway has been turned down and has shut down continously many branches across the middleeast due to the opening of differrent branches for carrefour. what carefour has to offer is obviously was more than what safeway offerred people in the middleeast. over here, iam assuming that carrefour wouldn’t take over as competition is pretty heavy not just from safeway, but from other stores such as save on food and seven eleven. so, safeway is in a safe positon over in canada.

the great depression in the twentieth century

The economic depression was a period before World War 2, were the economic situation went extremely bad in the US and Europe. Four of the main leading countries, that lead at that time were affected by it, and they were Germany, France, united states and united kingdom. Production rates, foreign trade, unemployment and whole sale prices as well all of them were affected greatly.

Back in the twenties of the previous century, there were many causes that lead to the economic depression; one of them was the structural weaknesses, supported by major events that lead to the economic depression. Major bank failures, economic market crash, us federal reserve that contracted money supply as well as Britain’s decision to return the gold standard at pre-world parties.  Also, ideas such as governments failing to control the interest rates or the failure of free market as another reason.

During the great depression certain things happened to the society.  In 1993 unemployment reached a very high level, leaving a lot of people homeless, looking for shelter in the garbage.  Industrial production dropped by 46% in the US, 23% in great Britain and France as well as Germany who suffered from a 41% drop.  Foreign trade dropped drastically causing the four great powers (Germany, great Britain, united stated and United Kingdom).

According to the British economist Keynesian, what caused the great depression was a lower aggregated expenditure, that lead to huge amounts of unemployed people and lower wages.  Breakdown of international trade also contributed a lot, were countries that relied on foreign trade had a huge decrease in their income, which lead to a worse situation of the depression. Many blame the smoot Hawley act for what has happened from them, since they supported lowering foreign trade.

aljazeera’s news channel growing power

Al jazeera  news channel was launched in 1996. it broadcasted from Qatar , and Qatar is its headquarters since the day it started. Aljazeera from its beginning have covered and brought to the Arabic viewer everything he/she needed.A huge example of Aljazeera’s power, was how Aljazeera with the help of the Egyptian citizens took out Hosni Mubarak (the president of egypt) from his position, were they ganged up on Mubarak’s power. A ruler with power of Mubarak, would have never been taken out from his position this easy, and this fast, with a few amount of dead people.

•Aljazeera throughout time has been always present in every small and big happenening in this world, right on the clock, where it has provided people with everything needed to know the truth. Since 1996, Aljazeera participated in bringing the news of the 11th of September, 2003 american war on Iraq,american war on Afghanistan 2004, Israeli war on gaza ,  Tunisian revolution and egyption revolution as well.

shakira rising stockes

shakira has hit the again, but how? shakira has started to play around and became the girlfriend of the wellknown soccer player gerard pique. shakira has inccreased her popularity base to even soccer fans, who watch pique play for barcelona. during one of the most watched events on earth, pique went to shakira after the match, and gave her a kiss. a kiss that was watched by over fivehundred million people. this kiss has increased shakira’s revenue and highlighted shakira and pique as one of the most well known couples on earth. also, it has benefitted shakira in person by increasing her popularity among different nationalities that watch soccer. although, pique is younger than her by 10 years, but they same to have chemistry between them, which will be enough for shakira herslef as she has increased her popularity base, among people.

the voice

the voice is ranked at the moment as america’s number program. But, these talent searching program, how many successful singers have they made so far. these people have made a lot of money through bringing in people that are dying to become famous, and have made them make other people money. the people who subcribe in these program’s haven’t made a lot of money comparing to those who make them. nbc, the company that’s showing this program has made a lot of money, by only changing a few concepts in the typical music competition. american idol, x factor and know the voice are all repeated program’s with the same idea offering small chances to people, and making money through it.

crisitano ronaldo advertisements and the copying of david beckham

messi and ronaldo have been fighting in this long run, over around 5 years, for the best player in the world. ronaldo has been trying to make himself a great hero, since he was in manchester united in order to make him a great starfor advertisements as he has been working out a lot and trying to catch the eyes of the people with the image of the next david beckham.

ronaldo has copied beckham in several different way, he has start modelling lately, and making all these shows for athletics such as the program made by the discovery channel on ronaldo. the program tested how superheroic ronaldo is, just the same as what beckham did previously. also, ronaldo got engaged to a russian model, which is more off a copy of what beckham has did to increase his popularity, when got married married to the spice girls star victoria beckham. this has increased ronaldo’s value as a model and as an athlete known to people.

iPhone5 vs Samsung s3

iphone 5 and samsung s3 have been the most bought phones for this year. Both of them have amazing features, bringing to our mind the technology we have dreamed off, 10 years ago, the technology that both phones have just put’s us in the 21st century. Both of them have high technology, in a very small amount of space. But which one is better????

Iphone 5 has many features that make it better than Samsung, some of them are: lighter weight, thinner (7.6mm thick), faster processor and a prettier design. On the other hand Samsung has a thicker phone, slower processor and a weird design!!! Numbers say that since the beginning of the release of both phones on average Iphones have sold more than what samsung did. In one week iphones sold 5 million, whereas it took samsung s3 a two months to get to 10 million (Numbers speak).

The MCLIBEL TRIAL was the longest English Trial ever. It was between the famous fast food brand MCDONALD’S and two english people. During that trial MCDONALD’S was convicted of destroying or spoiling children with their food and advertisements. Although, the judge that was responsible for this case agreed with the two english people, he stated that lack of evidence makes MCDONAALD’S guilty and the two english men were fined 60000 pounds due to trying to devastate MCDONALD’S reputation.