Being on exchange here at UBC, I am very glad to have had the opportunity to be involved in this video assignment. It was unlike any assignments at my home university in England, as it involved a lot more creativity and originality. The whole process from planning the scenes, to filming, to recording the voice-overs and editing the video clips was an interesting experience, a welcome change from the typical group presentation where each student has to explain their slides.
Initially, I couldn’t really imagine how it would work out, given that neither of us knew much about video-making, but it brought us together as a group. Although group assignments are known to involve conflicting opinions, in this particular group I think everyone was very comfortable and different perspectives simply helped to improve the final outcome. We all tried to contribute however we could, and we ended up really enjoying parts of the project, particularly the filming where great acting talents came to light.
It was however, more time-consuming than other assignments, as we had to learn how to use the video technology. Also, at times we had difficulty coming up with ideas about how to express the content of our project in the form of a video. Then again, having had these issues means that the next time we are required to produce a video, we’ll be more prepared, so it has served as a valuable learning experience.