The Honey Trap

I chose this article because I wanted to write about an industry that I am interested in, food industry, which can also relate to Comm 101. ALW Food Group is a German company but has an office in the Chicago and it specializes in honey products. However, one day, several federal agents took von Buddenbrock and Giesselbach into questioning about the honey business regarding ALW’s honey shipments. The U.S Department of Commerce and the Department of Homeland Security uncovered a conspiracy about illegally shipping honey from china to the states. Instead of revealing to the government that the honey is from China, ALW reported it from other countries because tariff on other countries are lower. For many years ALW has been shipping its honey to different places to be relabeled before it is shipped to U.S. This has saved $80 million dollars which is one of the largest frauds in U.S history. However, most executives are not in custody because they are currently in Germany. I think this is not only showing bad ethnics but has disappointed its consumers because we spend our money into ALW’s products and believed in its reliability. I would feel taken advantaged as I can pay another product for the same price.


1 thought on “The Honey Trap

  1. I like the flow of the article, and the fact that it is short and concise. I share your sentiments on bad business ethics, and would personally wish to see more done about this. Good job!

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