Torture of Advertisements

Imagine you are watching your favourite show and all the sudden the single most annoying thing that could possibly happen, happens. Commercials begin to play. 

If the whole point of advertising is increasing value of a product or a service in the eyes of potential customers, these annoying commercials drain it all.

Consider those who switch channels during the commercial times or those who begin to dislike the brand  because of their annoying advertisements. I started to genuinely dislike Subway because of their very annoying “5 dollar foot long commercials with that monkey” in the middle of my favourite shows. Is this the outcome that companies and marketers look for? The obvious answer is No.

Now, I am not suggesting that commercial times should be eliminated from TV. I am rather pointing at a more effective way for companies to advertise their products.

I understand without advertisements there would be no show to watch. So how can companies promote their products without annoying their customers? What if aside from buying commercial time, companies would collaborate with movie directors to promote their products in movies? Wouldn’t this approach be more effective? Imagine a very cool character of a famous TV show enters the XYZ restaurant, orders a delicious meal, and gives a genuine complement to the food.  Which one would be more effective?

I believe in this day and age, companies should stop chasing people and let people chase its products and find out more about the unique stories of their products (check out my blog 2). Imagine people search for products and check out a website to find out more about a particular product. I believe this method is a lot more effective than forcing customers to watch a boring ad and expecting them to get excited about it.

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