Luxury Goods with “Made in Italy” label

European luxury brands are famous for their high-quality products. Most of these brands transformed into international companies from small family businesses.   These companies still insist that their products are all made in Italy, even when they are facing a bigger market. The “Made in Italy” label emphasize the value and the quality of these luxury-brand products. However, recent news discovers that some of these products are made in developing countries.  Some of these brands choose to assemble most parts of products in developing countries and complete the final process in Europe. This allows them to label their products as “Made in Italy”.

Brand reputation, material, but most importantly, the provenance of the products are what consumers looking for. In order to market their products to the public, companies conceal the truth to please their consumers.  With the “Made in Italy” label, businesses establish positive image. By producing in developing countries, they can earn a higher profit with lower expense in wages.  The overwhelming desire for luxury goods leads to this unethical action when the businesses capture the buying behavior of consumers.

Thomas,Dana. “Made in China on the sly.” The New York Times. N/A. 23 Nov. 2007. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. < eddana.1.8452555.html>
