Simple Ways to Improve Your Productivity

We all strive to be as productive as possible – as the saying goes “ time is money.” As students, one of our biggest struggles is time management. We hope to develop and hone the skill of time management to maximize our productivity so that, not only do we accomplish all we need to do for our studies, but we leave a little time for leisure. This skill is pivotal as we enter the workforce in a couple of years. Knowing how to manage our time for maximum efficiency and productivity will, not only help us to achieve better results today, but will contribute to our success in the business world. Employers want to hire the best people possible: those who will get the job done well and in an efficient manner. 7 Simple Ways to Increase Your Productivity at Work by Kristin Marquet, provides valuable tips that anyone, whether an employee or a student, can adopt easily and instantly improve their productivity. 

#1 Set your schedule for the next day the night before.

Make a list that identifies your priorities. Prioritizing tasks helps keep you organized and focused, and you get the satisfaction of crossing items off your “to do” list. Make sure to allow a little extra time for each task, you will feel better if you finish “early” and you must allow for washroom, coffee, water breaks etc.

#2 Take a break whenever you feel mentally fatigued.

Short breaks from work, whether it’s going for a walk or grabbing a snack can increase your productivity by getting your blood flowing. Just a five-to-ten minute break can allow you to tackle whatever task you were working on with a fresh perspective.

#3 Avoid multi-tasking.

Don’t do more than one thing at a time! Studies show that multi-tasking results in no task being completed well, as you are continually distracted. Focus on one priority, complete it properly, and cross it off your list before moving onto the next thing.

#4  Eliminate potential distractions. Make it clear to teammates (or roommates) that when you’re in your study area (or dorm) with the door closed, you need to be focused for that period of time. Put your phone on silent.

#5 Impose deadlines on yourself, and stick to them.

#6 Avoid large meals that will leave you feeling tired

Have small snacks throughout the day rather than three big meals. Choose foods that are high in protein, fiber and antioxidants to optimize energy.

#7 Keep your workspace clean!

“A cluttered desk is a symptom of a cluttered mind.” Get in the habit of organizing and filing as you go.

This post illuminates the OB concepts of productivity and efficiency, in addition to creating a work-life balance. If you work hard and efficiently, you will achieve the results you desire. I hope these simple tips will be helpful for my classmates, I know I’ve seen results already as I incorporate these approaches into my study routine.

Word Count : 490

References :

Article : Marquet, K. (n.d.). 7 Simple Tips to Boost Your Productivity at Work. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from

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