Third Year: A Complicated Love Story


I’m struggling to write this. This is my first blog post in ten months.

I’m taking four courses, all in various areas of my major: Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ).  I never thought that would be my major when I arrived here, but there is no other department that has impacted me on a deeper level.

It is not a happy major, though, because the majority of my time is spent reading about various inequalities of the world: sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, nationalism, classism, et cetera.

I’ll see a movie now and point out the various points of wrongdoing throughout it, and I will very much be a “feminist killjoy”. It goes well beyond movies, though, most western media is a complete mess. (take for instance the media coverage of Paris, over that of the 147 killed at Garissa University in Kenya back in April — where was the Facebook filter for that? the tumblr logo changed? the YouTube homepage standing with Garissa?)

I’m struggling to write this. This is my first blog post in ten months.

I tried to blog about entering therapy over the Summer for my anxiety/depression/eating habits, but I thought it sounded too pretentious so I stopped. Therapy doesn’t work for a lot of people, and I’m very fortunate to have had a positive experience and to have the privilege to be able to get help.

I did try to write something during Thrive week, but I found it a little forced-sounded, so again I stopped.

I had a panic attack that lasted four hours this summer, and for me panic attacks feel like someone unexpectedly pulled my chair out from under me (that falling feeling on repeat). Needless to say I was not feeling very “Cool for the Summer” (I feel like that reference was really late to the party, but I’m in third year and I don’t have time to party.)

I have for many summers also neglected to eat regular meals. (One summer I would go on some cheerios and a kombucha for the day). So, eating disorder is perhaps a better way of filing this one, but I’m still in denial over it. My body is not represented in media, so I tried to look like what was around me for years.

I’m struggling to write this. This is my first blog post in ten months.

I’m trying not to censor myself, but it’s really difficult. Am I writing this right? Am I a writer yet?

I bought my first collection of poems called Prelude to Bruise by Saeed Jones about a year ago, and I really recommend it.

Can I tell you a secret? I applied to the BFA Creative Writing Program back in March, and I was rejected in May. It hurt a lot, as much as I tell myself it didn’t. Rejection was never part of “the plan”, and as much as I may exude a carefree energy, I am very much one for planning. The whole process was really invalidating as a writer.

I don’t know if I am doing this writing business properly. I am not published in enough places, and sometimes I freak out about that because what if I get rejected again? (Plot twist: I am applying again in March.)

I know someone who does a lot of slam poetry now, and I question if that’s what I should be doing. Isn’t that what writers do? I am not as good as the others. (picture me in a lapdog pool, versus them in a wave pool.) This self-sabotage must be part of being a writer?


I’m struggling to write this. This is my first blog post in ten months.

I’m struggling to write my research proposal that’s due tomorrow. I haven’t had to write one of those in two years, and I do feel rather out of my element.

There’s also a coupon for All Bran bars on my cabinet. (I forgot that when I went grocery shopping.)

Sometimes Academia is really scary and I don’t know if I’m cut out for this world. I have six papers left to write this term. Third year is a complicated love story of me and an institution, a major, a BFA application, my body, the jingle of “shouldn’t-i-have-applied-for-co-op?”, exchange, scholarships, should-i-be-considering-grad-school?, did I eat enough water soluble fibre today?

Third year is a not a rom-com, not a teen drama, does not carry the witty banter of an indie comedy, does not have time for the back and forth of a psychological thriller. Sometimes we don’t sleep in the same bed, sometimes I get mad about the duct tape on the walls, or the laundry comes out too wet and three hours pass in the dryer.

I’m struggling to write this. This is my first blog post in ten months.

But sometimes the coffee is strong enough, and there’s enough sunlight in the day, and the leaves on the tree outside my window are so gold I feel like I live on top of a podium.

We are young and naïve still (third-year and I). We love to say “I love you” as much as “I hate you”, and we don’t cherish the people around us enough, but we are slowly learning this complicated cohabitation. I promise we’ll be better roommates soon.



Can We Have a Sec?


welcome back to another introduction lacking all direction and purpose. it’s basically like a Nickleback single. thanks for reading. this is the part where I tell you where I’m going with this, but I don’t really know.

SO bingo-bango-bongo. here we are during second week of second term, and my life has resumed some form of normality again.  I mean as much normality as possible after getting like somewhat close to feeling like kind of dyeing all of my hair like peacock blue, when i was super foggy, from the amount of congestion in my head last week. (translation: i wasnt thinking logically. Clearly periwinkle blue is a WAYYY better option.)

Random Thoughts on Life:

But, yeah, things are normal. Back to sleeping in my classes, not eating enough at peak times during the day, y’know basically back to true Hot Mess form. (woo shameless self-promotion)

Speaking of which, two of my fave TV shows are back on the tube/i can now watch them (il)legally online: SHAMELESS and GIRLS. (which were actually both kind of average, but like averagely okay, like hitting up The Honour Roll in the SUB.)

basically me when I saw all my non-Vancouverite friends after the holidays.

Me at all my new profs, and classmates.

This is the part where I get up on stage and I’m like “wow, it has been a great year, but a particularly great year in cinema.”

Basically the Golden Globes summed up. Then there was some solid J-Law action, and like Robin Wright was really on-point when she was basically like “you dont need to hear another list of random names, thank you to everyone, and you know who you are.”

So, I was basically thanked in an acceptance speech on Sunday night. So, you’re totes welcome Robin, I don’t know where you’d be without me, either.

Classes and Such

I’ve joined the ranks of the those taking five classes this term, and am now taking FIVE WHOLE COURSES.

Wow, cool.  Sorry. Just had to say it twice because then it might actually sink in or something.

I’m taking really cool courses like:
-Journalism 100A
-Film Studies 100
-ASTU 100A (omg. literally the coolest. the mandatory curriculum is really sexy.)
-German 100
-Philosophy 101

No, but real talks, my courses seem really dope this term.

But, basically anything is better than the hell that was Music 128. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Please collect buckets of mouldy twinkies instead. That was that course summed up. A really sweet thing like music that was covered in mould. cry.

Also, I will be really typical and university student-esque for a sec and rant about the cost of books. wow. that was a lot. like ow. my wallet has a concussion now for like 8-12wks.

I also got totally scammed by this chick who sold me her used German book, and like avoided telling me that I wouldn’t have online access, which i NEED for the course. So thanks for screwing over a first-year. I really hope karma gets you bad and like someone spits on every single slice of your pizza from Mercante.

Clothes and that stuff

It’s January, and it’s dark at like 4PM every day, so I’ve just been wearing a lot of black. Except today I wore some navy.  It was really ground-breaking.

Also, someone commented on my sweater today and I acted really nonchalant after the fact, but it was actually the best part of my evening.

Also, my skin hates me.

And I’ve been really lazy with the razor lately and have cut my face a bunch of times. yay so cute. i love bleeding for 5 minutes on end.

The End or something

So yeah, that’s where I’m at.  Back being on top of  some part of the world.

Basically I am living proof that the whole “New Year, New Me” slogan is total crap.

Let’s all raise a glass to that.

Black is the new black.

Hey, dear frienemies, wassssup?

The ceiling? ok. cool. you’re a homebody like me too. So, we can be friends now… ignore the whole “frenemies” thing. I was kidding.

Anyway, I am here to talk about the colour black. As, to me, it is not simply a shade, it is a colour that I live my life in from the months of approximately mid-September, to about March.

Why? Well, I have made a list.

20 Reasons Why Wearing Black is Bangin’:

1. It goes with anything.

2. Stains are less visible!

3. It makes you look more put together. (Unless you’re wearing sweats, in which case, you still look as dishevelled as Lindsay Lohan, circa 2008, when she tried to put out a new album, and then she just didn’t.)

4. Day to Night, in a flashhhh!

5. Because Leather Jackets.

6. It will never go out of style.

7. Black Swan. ‘Nuff said.

8. Your instagram photos look more artsy in black+white.

9. No one ever said, “No black pants after Labour Day.”

10. I get more compliments on the days I wear black, than on the days I don’t.

11. Because Black Toques.

12. Hides your “Amanda Bynes” areas, that you don’t feel should garner the public’s attention.

13. You feel like you got $WAG.

14. Crossing a black cat’s path won’t be bad luck anymore. (I think?) (Two negatives make a positive right?) (Don’t take that as a math question, I don’t know that. I’M AN ARTS STUDENTS, OK?!)

15. Coco Chanel was pretty into black. (and by “pretty,” I mean every picture on Google Images has her in black.)

16. I’m typing in black, RIGHT NOW.

17. Your behind is gonna look damn fiiiiiine in black skinny jeans.

18. Johnny Cash wrote “Man in Black,” he didn’t write “Man in Yellow.” That man knew which way was up.

19. “Once you go black, you never go back.” Right?

20. Because I said so.