So, I actually got myself out on campus today to see a ripple effect lab!

It did not involve birds.
It did not involve planes. (cry)


And, not just any cows, DAIRY COWS.

So, like, I drink milk, eat yoghurt, dream of ice cream, steam some cheese, dollop the sour cream, delight in fro-yo, cry happy tears into bowls of whipped cream. Yeah, I’m basically a milk addict. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO guyz, it’s no shock that I would jump at the chance to go learn more about where all of this stuff comes from.

Today I was greeted by the lovely faces of a dairy cow, PEARL, and a three-week-old calf, SAM. Both obviously had that celebrity cow charm, but it was Sam who took the cake, like the EYES on that kid. Basically, a future Island Farms model.



He was potentially the most endearing thing on campus that I saw all day.  He isn’t even old enough to know when he’s full or not, so he just spent the majority of the time after his feeding looking for things to suck on, after the bottle was gone.  I don’t think I’ve “aweh-ed” out loud that much, ever.
Don’t tell anyone I have a sensitive side.
This can’t get out.

ANYWAY, He’s supposed to grow up to be about 1600-1800 pounds. I mean. DANG BOII.
Not only is he going to be buff and handsome, he also showed tremendous talent, walking at the age of only 2 hours!

Artsy shot of the feeding. #SamLyfe

[pause for reflection of what I was probably doing at the age of two hours…]

His veteran partner, Pearl, though, has quite the story, too.

PEARL, in the background, plus milking machine, plus milker/presenter extraordinaire…

She currently lives in Cloverdale, BC, and enjoys semi-long walks around the farm.
She needs to be milked about two, to three, times a day, or else.
She produces up to about 2240 jugs of milk, in the 10 month lactating cycle. (So, like all of the ice cream I eat?)
She got a tongue, that is 12 inches long. GURLLLLL. You, go.
She needs to chill out for an hour, after being milked, and not lie down, or ELSE her teats will be at risk for disease. (Gosh, it is hard being famous. I feel her pain.)
She enjoys a mixture of corn, grass, alfalfa, hay, and different ground grains for her meals.
She drinks about 120 litres of water, per day.
Each teat has its own compartment, which is why each one needs to be milked.
And, finally, her milk won’t leave the province, because it’s BC milk, and it’s meant to stay here.
Canada does not export its milk, outside of the country.

For me, this was an awesome Ripple Effect lab, because I got to learn more about how much dairy, one cow actually produces.  It also reaffirmed my belief that more meals can be made out of a dairy cow’s resources than simply a cow meant for meat.  And, hey, that’s pretty sustainable.

So, with #RippleEffectUBC coming to a close tomorrow, I know I will leave with a more enlightened perspective on how I can fit more sustainability into my everyday life, as well as plan for a future, with even more lifestyle changes.

But, for now, I’ll just stick to eating ice cream out of the carton.

My Brain is Delicate…


Because there are so. many. squirrels. around campus.  Literally, I overheard some guy say he was going to squirrel hunt this weekend. I was like wow. you are so cool. how do I become you?

And he was like. you can’t. I am you.\

/ and then I got a thousand and three re-blogs on tumblr. Except for PETA.

and everyone was like wow derrick, you are deeper than the deepest depths in the sea. and then we wrote various forms of haiku together, and ate baked quinoa bars that my vegan friend made. It was an average Thursday. #tbt

No, but seriously, guys, I have a point… and the whole guy wanting to go squirrel hunting did happen.


ANYWAY. My point is I basically had the best lecture of my university career today. It was so good, I’m beginning to think that I will actually have a “university career,” and not drop out and become a B-List porn star who works from home.

I seriously thought I hated the class (GRSJ101), but today something just clicked, and I removed my taupe-coloured ignorance glasses and saw the world in a new light today.

I would try to explain it, but my summary powers weaken after a certain hour (8:43PM) and I tend to ramble.

Our generation has a giant battle ahead of fighting the ideals, and heteronormativity presented, though.

I would take more time to explain all these concepts, but like, you have google, and you can figure this out. (and my definition powers are shot..)

And it’s much more interesting if I conclude saying that I finally felt that feeling that people talk about where you come out of a class completely numb, with a new perspective, because you felt like everything you knew going in was a lie.

This feeling is different for everyone, though. Like, I felt really nauseous for about 30mins after. and my head hurt.

but in a good way.

and that’s why i’m at university, I guess.



(and may all your prayers go towards the squirrels, because they might get shot, and die this weekend…)