~Shoutout to Wreck Beach for keeping me sane~
This blog would not exist if I wasn’t honest with what’s happening, and what’s not happening.
This month has really been a trying time for me. Real talks.
I’ve attempted to put this whole month into a blog post, like four times, already, and I’ve just ended up clicking the ‘move to trash’ button.
That’s the thing. It’s really easy to throw everything away, but starting over is a daunting feat.
I did something recently. It was kind of an impulse decision, but I still did it. I quit my job.
It’s something that I’ve been doing for just over three years, and sadly it grew extremely banal for me recently. That, and to be honest, my academic progress is rather lacking, to put it lightly.
I’m not putting the time I should be into school work, because frankly I find most of the stuff we’re doing to be trivial.
-pause for a moment, as I hover over the ‘move to trash’ button, yet again-
Nope, nope. I’m still here.
Here’s the thing: I’m lost.
I’m feel really lost, right now. In all of this stuff. It’s like swimming in the middle of the ocean, and I don’t see any islands or ships, and all I taste is sea water, which I liked to begin with, but now I’m just dehydrated, and burnt out.
I’ve been dealing with this feeling for like the last two weeks, and it’s heavy. It’s not something I wish on anyone; to carry this burden around of not feeling like you’re in the correct place.
Like, you’re some sort of visitor to your own life, and you have to wear the ‘Visitor’ lanyard, which sticks out a lot, and everyone knows that you’re not a regular.
I had all these plans for next year. They all seemed so grand, and everything. I said, “I’m not going to get attached to them. I don’t want to get my hopes or anything.” But I totally did. I attached myself to them, because it seemed like an upgrade to be in a different place.
And, now in this place that I didn’t really plan for, and I feel like I’m a warden of the State or something.
Starting over is something I hate.
But, it’s exactly what I need to do right now to get myself out of what I’ve landed in.
Perhaps, in the coming week, I will not eat an ENTIRE jar of Nutella. (pause of LOLs…) I mean seriously, I was just MAOWing.
Maybe, I’ll actually do some real editing of the stuff I need to turn-in.
Possibly, I’ll stop staying in bed for an hour, after I wake up.
I will find myself somewhere in the mountain of clothes on my bed, in the spilled wax on my chest of drawers, in the empty mugs on my desk, in the old to-do list, in not noticing cars when I decide to go for a run, in every mediocre grade.
Something good will come of this.
You know why?
Because everyone loves a comeback story.