Innovation & Entrepreneurship: WeWork’s success

WeWork-Meatpacking-Large-OfficeI first came across the idea of co-working spaces when I was doing research for our group project Internet Café. Co-working spaces are in hot demand nowadays as they provide a platform for independent business professionals or small companies to work together in a creative and flexible working environment. There are many successful stories of shared office operations such as WeWork, the leader in this surging co-working space movement.

There are many things to learn from WeWork’s founders, Adam Neumann and Miguel McKelvey. They saw the need to change the old model of office space to cater to current societal trends and did not hesitate to put their ideas into action. The two entrepreneurs were ambitious and willing to take risks, seizing the opportunities to expand as fast as they could cope as they had confidence in their start-up. In addition, they were not willing to make compromises and were determined to create what they believed to be the ideal co-working spaces. Most importantly, Neumann and McKelvey have passion in what they are doing and it motivates them to get over obstacles and challenges along the way.


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