Stories Within Stories


For my post this week, I will be reflecting on pages 99-109 in Green Grass, Running Water and finding some of the references and underlying stories contained within the stories explicitly shared in this text.

While reading Green Grass, Running Water (by Thomas King), I was struck by the number of plays on names and words, allusions, and subtle references that King made throughout the novel. However, after reflecting on story and reading posts by my classmates, as well as Jane Flick’s reading notes, I found there were even more layers of meaning and depth to the story than I initially realized. In particular, cycles throughout the story that connected to Florida and ledger art sparked my curiosity and was one of the main reasons I chose to focus on this section of the novel. While there were many references throughout the novel, this post and reflection focuses on some of the references found within a small section of the book, with the intention of revealing some of the layers of story woven into King’s writing.

Sitting around, drawing pictures in Florida (King, Green Grass, Running Water 99)

The pages I chose begin with First Woman and Ahdamn being taken by soldiers to a train station where they board a train for Florida. This section alludes to the transportation and imprisonment of 72 Cheyenne, Kiowa, Comanche, and Arapaho from their traditional lands to Fort Sill and, later, to Fort Marion, where they were imprisoned from 1875 to 1878 (King, Green Grass, Running Water 18; “Red River War”). It was claimed that the prisoners were all leaders and combatants in the Red River War, although it has also been suggested that, for many of them, “their primary crime was that they were Indians who had led a traditional Plains Indian life,” especially as they did not have a trial before being imprisoned (Ojibwa).

In addition to these connections, Coyote suggests going to Miami and Fort Lauderdale, which could be a reference to the history of these places, as Miami was named after an Indigenous word and is built on an Indigenous village site while Fort Lauderdale was also built on land traditionally used by Indigenous nations (Tequesta) and was later used in the Second Seminole War (“Fort Lauderdale History”). In a less connected sense, Coyote’s suggestion could also simply be based on a desire to visit the beaches in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Still, the story, along with First Woman and Ahdamn, proceed to Fort Marion, rather than listening to Coyote’s suggestions.

Once at Fort Marion, the prisoners were “converted” to Christianity (many did not keep this as a religion) and educated in English ways, with assimilation being the end goal; one of the techniques for this assimilation and “civilizing” was “encouraging” the prisoners to draw (Adams; Coffee; Keeping History). Ahdamn’s drawing, and his resulting “fame” that takes place at Fort Marion, alludes to this ledger art that was produced by those held captive at Fort Marion. This art was created by some of the prisoners during their time at Fort Marion and often was sold to visitors — the artwork is still bought and sold today (Adams). Accordingly, some of these pieces of art depicted cultural life, including the Sun Dance (“Keeping History”), another important part of the story for King’s characters.


Connecting cycles and directions

The Sun Dance is one of the connections that many of the characters in King’s novel share, regardless of the year the dance occurs as, like many of King’s themes, it too is cyclic and has the potential to connect the characters across time and space. However, throughout the book, broader connections to the theme of interconnection and cycles can be found. The section I chose transitions from one section to another and, as author Jane Flick suggests, these different sections indicate different directions and colours which relate to both the Medicine Lodge, a part of the Sun Dance for many nations (Stover), and the alternative names (Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, Mr. Green, and Mr. Black) that First Woman, Changing Woman, Thought Woman, and Old Woman go by in Dr. Hovaugh’s records (Flick 143; King, Green Grass, Running Water 53).

This transition also marks the beginning of another creation story, a story of Changing Woman. This transition gives a turn to another one of the four Indian comrades (unlike in much of Western society, different creation stories each have a turn) and presents a reference to water and, in this way, new beginnings overall as both Lionel is in a puddle of water and, perhaps less significantly, the toilet floods at the Dead Dog Cafe (King, Green Grass, Running Water 106-107). Changing Woman’s name also suggests a different phase of life (changing from a child to an adult) following First Woman, and, in this way, connects to larger cycles of life.

Finding significance in names

Similar to how significance can be found in the names of First Woman and Changing Woman in reference to life stages, numerous other references can be found within the names of King’s characters. Even within these few pages, character and location names hint at deeper meanings to their stories. For instance, First Woman’s name also alludes to other creation stories that include a first woman. In the case of Green Grass, Running Water, First Woman also alludes to Christian stories of Eve and Adam as First Woman meets and Ahdamn and they live in a garden for a time (King, Green Grass, Running Water 40). In addition to this, the alternatives names for First Woman and Ahdamn, Lone Ranger and Tonto, also reference another story that has had impacts on perceptions of Indigenous peoples in North America, and could be a connection to some of King’s photography experiences (Flick 141). While these names are not hugely emphasized in this section of the book, they are still reoccurring references (in addition to Robinson Crusoe, Hawkeye, and Ishmael), which could also be perceived as references to how stories and stereotypes can remain with a person, regardless of the context.

Beyond these character names, the name of Latisha’s restaurant, the Dead Dog Cafe, seems to indirectly reference the beginning of the novel where Coyote’s dream starts to get out of hand and ends-up wanting to be a dog. However, the dog end-up as a GOD instead as “when that Coyote Dream thinks about being a dog, it gets everything mixed-up. It gets everything backward” (King, Green Grass, Running Water 2). In addition, after the publication of Green Grass, Running Water, King also wrote and co-hosted a radio show, the Dead Dog Cafe Comedy Hour, which also takes place within the (fictional) town of Blossom, Alberta, and provokes similar questions and reflections (such as those about stereotypes, “Indians,” and stories) to Green Grass, Running Water.

Overall, this only skimmed the surface of the many connections that one can find within King’s writing; it is incredible to reflect on the many layers of understanding and meaning that can be found within his work.

Works Cited

“1933 The Lone Ranger Debuts on Detroit Radio.” This Day in History, A&E Television Network, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

Adams, James. “Exploring the Legacy of American Plains Indians Ledger Drawings, an Art Form Weighted by Tragedy.” The Globe and Mail, 22 Jul. 2014, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

Coffee, Sarah. “A Closer Look at the Plains Indian Ledger Drawings for American Indian Heritage Month.” Oh Say Can You See?, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, 21 Nov. 2012, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

“Dead Dog Cafe Comedy Hour.” Rewind with Michael Enright, CBC Radio Canada, 28 Mar. 2016, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

Flick, Jane. “Reading Notes for Thomas King’s GreenGrass, Running Water.” Canadian Literature, vol. 161-162, 1999, pp. 140-172, Accessed 23 Oct. 2016.

“Fort Lauderdale History.” Destination 360, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

Fort Marion Ledger Page. c. 1875, coloured pencil and graphite on lined paper. “Exploring the Legacy of American Plains Indians Ledger Drawings, an Art Form Weighted by Tragedy,” by James Adams, The Globe and Mail, 22 Jul. 2014, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

“Keeping History: Plains Indian Ledger Drawings.” Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

King, Thomas. Green Grass, Running Water. HarperPerennial ed., HarperCollins, 2007.

—. “The Inconvenient Indian in Pictures.” Huffpost Living Canada, The Huffington Post, 3 Mar. 2014, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

Landry, Alysa. “Native History: ‘The Lone Ranger’ Debuts on Detroit Radio, Introduces Tonto.” Indian Country Today, 30 Jan. 2014, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

Ojibwa. “The Fort Marion Prisoners.” Native American Netroots, 24 Feb. 2012, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

O-uk-ste-uh (Shave Head). Buffalo Hund Drawing. c. 1875, coloured pencil and graphite on lined paper.  “A Closer Look at the Plains Indian Ledger Drawings for American Indian Heritage Month,” by Sarah Coffee, Oh Say Can You See?, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, 21 Nov. 2012, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016

“Red River War.” Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

Smith, Matt and Justin Lear. “Questions of Preservation After Ancient Village Found in Downtown Miami.” CNN, 5 Feb. 2014, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

Stover, Dale. “Sun Dance.” Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, University of Nebraska: Lincoln, Accessed 19 Nov. 2016.

“Student Blogs.” ENGL 470A Canadian Studies: Canadian Literary Genres Sept 2016, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Seminole Wars.” United States History, Encyclopædia Britannica, 20 Jul. 1998, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.


  1. Hi Kaylie!

    I enjoyed reading your blog post this week! I particularly liked how you emphasized connections between characters such as First Woman and Changing Woman and the larger life cycle they are part of. Even though I thought a lot about interconnection in the sense of storytelling and the relationship between learning and teaching, I did not think about this connection between characters and their names very deeply and I am so glad I read about this in your post. Thank you for sharing your ideas about this! I think this relationship between the names “First” and “Changing” and its connection to the larger cycle of growing over time from a baby, to a child, to an adult, emphasizes how important change is, but also how phases of life come around again because as humans and nature pass away, humans and nature are also born into the world. Thinking about this, you also discuss in your post how Thomas King presents and values many creation stories, unlike in much of Western society, and I think this highlights a major difference between Western and Indigenous cultures. I think that, like anything else, there is not one right way of thinking about something and I like how there are multiple creation stories given in King’s text. I am interested to know what you think about the importance given to the idea of multiple creation stories over one creation story?

    Thank you for your thought-provoking and well written post Kaylie!
    – Chloë

    1. Hi Chloë,

      Thank you so much for your comment! I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed reading my post this week and that you found some new connections through reading it 🙂

      I just wanted to thank you for your support and let you know that I’ll more fully respond to your question in the next couple of days.

      Have a good night!


    2. Hi Chloë,

      Thank you so much for your comment and patience! I really appreciated hearing your reflections and responses to my post.

      To reply to your question, I agree that it seems important to know more than one (creation) story and I think King gives this importance to having multiple creation stories to emphasize this. To expand, I think that multiple creation stories can help to show different ways of perceiving, and interacting with, the world and can help to encourage critical thinking about the stories one is told, especially if they are quite different. In King’s story, it seems like he is trying to show this importance, show the cycles and connections throughout these stories, and also show some of the diversity and connections between different Indigenous stories/nations across North America. On another train of thought, he might also be trying to show some of the ways that oral storytelling can shift and grow, change and adapt, depending on the storyteller and context.

      Anyhow, I hope this answers your question — thanks again for the thoughtful comment!

      All the best,


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