Going Green means Growing Green for MEC

Money tree
Going Green means Growing Green

MEC seems to be riding the Green Wave in its latest expansion plans. The co-operative has recently asked for rezoning for a new eco-friendly store in North Vancouver. Local bike shops are panicked, but MEC remains confident. The company truly recognizes the power of going green, as “the co-op felt confident enough to buy the land even though at least one previous owner was turned down when he sought retail zoning.”

MEC obviously foresees the potential for upside benefits; they are more likely to be granted rezoning permission due to their eco-friendly practices. The new building will ride the Green Wave as it is “LEED certified…with a smaller footprint [than the previous building.] The cooperative has figured out how to appeal to, not only its customers, but also to the people that make the crucial decision regarding whether they get to operate or not. They have realized that businesses increasingly need to focus on creating a social dimension to their value proposition. Consumers and regulators are concerned about the environment, and companies must respect these values if they wish to retain their right to operate.

If MEC succeeds in winning this location, despite oposition from many local bike sellers, other corporations might just realize how profitable this Green Wave truly is. They might realize what MEC already knows: Going Green means growing green.

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