Cause-related marketing gone weird

Beardo, an unexpected Whistler, BC success story, has hit gold with their strangely appealing BearMo beer bottle mustaches.

There’s not much I can say about this magnificent product, other than it speaks for itself. It’s one of those gimmicky things we never actually need, but somehow desperately want, despite the hefty price tag.

What better way to get them to fly off the (virtual) shelves than supporting the seemingly obvious Movember cause? I think that this company has hit cause-related marketing spot on by not only supporting an important cause, but by effectively matching it to their product. I might feel guilty shelling out $10.99 for six silly plastic mustaches, but I’ll probably feel fine, even proud, to put the money towards prostate cancer research. Philanthropy already has its advantages, but now I get these awesome party favours to go with it?



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