Try It Before You Pitch It

To many prospective entrepreneurs, Dragon’s Den seems like the perfect place to pitch their ideas for the venture capital and expertise needed to kick start their business. However, what they are pitching is not just he idea in their heads, but also their ability to turn these ideas into reality. Prospective entrepreneurs are constantly rejected by the Dragons because all they have is an idea. Such outcomes are not only restricted to the confined Dragon’s Den studio but also in the real business world. The uncertainties of human behaviour are simply impossible to predict. Therefore, ideas must be put into practice, and overtime the rough edges will be polished by the challenges presented by the real world. Having gathered operational data, entrepreneurs are able to add more reliability to their business pitch and prove to the Dragons that they have the passion and the ability to make things happen. This is why many participants with seemingly fantastic ideas are turned away on the show. The Dragons are able to apply their own experience and knowledge of the business world to the countless ideas that came without practical evidence of success. People are often overly optimistic about their products, a reality check is the first thing they need before risking everything for a dream that may forever remain a dream.

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