Global economy on the decline

– Picture from google ( the world’s major economies)

Global economy alarm bells ring

A global economic crisis has once again signaled its coming. Major economic countries such as America, the Eurozone, and China have all began to decline slowly. Particularly the manufacturers in Europe have reported that the market demand is lower than normal. And the latest statistics from China has also suggested that factory productions are lower than before. The stock prices are falling globally; therefore the investors around the world are also losing faith. Although the growth of the Chinese economy, which has just surpassed the Japanese economy earlier this year to become the second largest economy in the world, is not on the decline. The economic growth, however, is slowing down; and it is enough for economists to fear for as China is essentially a key factor in economic growth globally.

The economic policymakers of each major country should react quickly to make the appropriate policies in order to bring the economy back to normal. Whether it is to use fiscal policy to increase the government expenditure or it is to use monetary policy to affect the interest rate. I believe the primary objective would be to stabilize the economy first.


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