The PR Battle

April 7th, 2013 § 0 comments

The Northern Gateway Pipeline has been under fire for over a year and half now by many in the general public of BC. It is a highly controversial project, in regards to both the company overseeing it, Enbridge, and the route it takes to get to the ocean, specifically through the Great Bear Rainforest in what some say is a dangerous marine route. Demonstrations and public events denouncing the pipeline have been very prevalent in recent months, and public opinion does not seem to be improving.

Meanwhile, another pipeline with a terminus in Kitimat is also in the works: the Pacific Trails Pipeline. It is a 1 billion dollar pipeline carrying natural gas extracted via fracking, regarded as highly destructive to the environment by many. It faces many of the same dangers as the Northern Gateway Pipeline does, yet many people have not even heard of the Pacific Trails Pipeline. I contend that this is due, in large part, to effective public relations and marketing.

Chevron, the corporation heading up the construction, first cut a 200 million dollar deal with the fifteen Native American bands who would be affected by the pipe’s construction. This meant that no bad publicity could be derived from anything perceived as exploitation by Chevron. The pipeline also has effectively “hidden” behind the Enbridge controversy. With the public and government of BC so busy with the Enbridge pipeline, it has effectively hogged the spotlight, meaning Pacific Trails has, in effect, a scapegoat to take PR hits.

Enbridge, with its much-maligned track record, large portion of public interest, and cavalier attitude towards public opinion has granted a competitor an advantage. Whether this could have been avoided is a different question, but it seems that, judging by the Pacific Trails Pipeline’s coverage and public opinion (nonexistent), it goes to show that a good marketing strategy really goes a long way.


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