The growing world of ESports

Esports, or electronic sports, is a international phenomenon quickly gaining popularity and momentum.  As more and more information is integrated online, online gaming has been becoming more and more competitive.  At the League of Legends World Championships of 2014 and 2015, the prize pool has consisted of $2,130,000.00 each year.  The growth from a stigmatized community once looked down upon, becoming a popular and celebrated culture even being advertised on ESPN, is due to many different changes within the gaming industry.

A packed stadium at the League of Legends World Championship 2014

As stated in Jaemin’s blog, the unique marketing approach which allows for fans to have closer relationships with the players, and make larger impacts on the community as a whole, has allowed this industry to boom over the past few years.  Donating firsthand to players and interacting online with them, is something that the sponsors of ESports such as Twitch, has allowed to happen, and puts a unique differentiation strategy on how consumers perceive the industry.

Twitch’s growing success compared with traditional television

With the combined sponsors driving ESports to become a massive industry, not only online, but also a tangible community hosting events, the growth predicted is massive.  With a unique base, the relationship between the industry and supporters is one with a bond not easily broken, as well as one that can greatly expand the consumer base.


The State Of eSports: Part 1 – A League Of Their Own

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