Competitive Advantage through Taking Advantage

The recent scandal that hit like a tsunami against the German company Volkswagen, has proven to be a catalyst in the sales of many other cars such as the Toyota Prius.  This hybrid car as stated by the company, did not need to cheat on emission tests in order to succeed.

eco car

Toyota’s picture ad promoting its eco friendly cars

Instead, the Prius carries a statement of a noticeably lower carbon footprint,  and as also stated by the company, “unprecedented efficiency and environmental performance.  The car also supposedly adds fun to driving, as its internal design adds comfort and sensation to the driver.  The crash of Volkswagen, and Toyota taking advantage of this, ends up as a competitive advantage against other car companies, as Toyota now has over 50% of alternative powered vehicles being sold across Europe.

toyota eco friendly

Toyota’s eco friendly lineup, and plans for the future

Other companies may catch on to the idea that through a companies downfall, their own company may succeed, and thus improve their impact towards consumers, as well as gain market shares more easily, as well as in greater quantities.


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