All posts by KellyHu

Business Ethics

Business ethics are the principles that all firms should consider before making any decision, but some firms forget about these ethic principles when the profit stands in the way. McDonald’s encountered an unethical food suppler firm, known as “Husi Food” in the summer of 2014, when a few of McDonald’s stores in China was exposed to have sold hamburgers made with expired beef and chicken.


These expired food might not have caused huge damage on the customers’ health, but that does not mean Husi Food should be forgiven by the public. In my opinion, a food suppler company should follow food safety regulations before they consider how to make more money.


At the same time, Husi Food should have focused on all its stakeholder’s benefit instead of just on its own. McDonald’s reputation was affected even though it stopped cooperating with this supplier immediately. With so many strong competitors in the field, McDonald’s would have earned much less profit.


What Husi Food did acts as a warning for catering companies when they select their suppliers as well as a reminder for many firms to really put business ethics before profit when making decisions.